Got my printer working again and printed some new models from #HiveMindMinis
Big dude is a Specter Droid and the little guy is a Droidkyn Dragoon from their new army.
When I first found Hivemind Minis, I printed the sample Lancet mech. I didn’t realize some parts needed to be mirrored and duplicated. I took all the parts and started assembling as best I could figure. After making a robot I thought looked pretty cool, I bought the set and did some planning. It turns out I put the torso in wrong, attached the legs where the jets should go, and attached a jet instead of one arm. I still love this guy! But he’s not gonna be in the main army…
My Lancet unit for grimdark future, models by Hivemind minis.
#OnePageRules #GrimdarkFuture #HiveMindMinis
#OnePageRules #GrimdarkFuture #hivemindminis