🇬🇧 Do you like #Mastodon? Complete the #poll, boost the toot and let's see what other users think about :mastodon: .
🇪🇦 ¿Qué opinas sobre Mastodon? Comparte la #encuesta y conoce la #opinión de otros #usuarios.
🇫🇷 Qué pensez-vous sur Mastodon? Complétez le #sondage ci-dessous et partagez-le.
0 = I 🤢🤮 Mastodon.
10 = I ❤️ Mastodon.
#opinion #twitter #tikTok #hivesocial #hiveSocialApp #bluesky #facebook #meta #instagram #threats #reddit #tech #openSource
#mastodon #poll #encuesta #opinion #usuarios #sondage #correctmyfr #correctmyen #twitter #tiktok #hivesocial #hivesocialapp #bluesky #facebook #meta #instagram #threats #reddit #tech #opensource
Jako samozwańczy ambasador Hive w Polsce, tworzę tag do szukania naszych na tejże platformie
#ktopl #hivesocial #hivesocialapp
Pamiętacie jeszcze Hive? Serwery aplikacji DZISIAJ ponownie zostały włączone po aktualizacji. A dlaczego zostały wyłączone?
Ciekawe kiedy ban konta aplikacji na TT
#hivesocial #hivesocialapp #exitt
RT @Laurie_Garrett@twitter.com
5/ Leaving @Twitter@twitter.com -- as millions have already done -- means going to more focused platforms, where the marvelous randomness of thoughts & insights is absent. Whether at #Mastadon or #hivesocialapp or #Instagram -- the scope narrows.
We talk among ourselves...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Laurie_Garrett/status/1602395197710663680
#instagram #hivesocialapp #mastadon
I'm upset that Hive is still offline but I admire them for taking security precautions. Most of my friends found that platform as a good Twitter alternative. #HiveSocialApp
How long can #hivesocialapp be offline and before everybody forgets and don't returns?
#cohost says the activation time for an account is 1-2 days. I registered Nov. 18., and is still number 6500 in activation queue.
#MastodonSocial is the only one still working?
The saga of #RIPTwitter continues...
#hivesocialapp #cohost #mastodonsocial #riptwitter
Oh dear it looks like #HiveSocialApp has just deleted EVERY POST. Nothing under my 'following' tab at all, and my own stuff gone.
For those of you looking to migrate to Hive Social: https://zerforschung.org/posts/hive-en/
Well, maybe not. #hivesocialapp
While #hivesocialapp is down I just wanted to say something... I like #Mastodon better!
Even though I have less of an audience there, I think it's on to something with this decentralisation of the social media platform.
Flying over Isola del Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy!
#shorts #aerial #italy #hivesocial #hive #hivesocialapp
So I made a Hive Social account earlier today. If you're on Hive, let's link up! 🥳 #hivesocial #hivesocialapp #hive
#hivesocial #hivesocialapp #hive
RT @ElyssiaNikos@twitter.com
While #hivesocialapp is trending and everyone is making a move on there, I have to point out it's not looking good long-term:
- No desktop ver
- Only fully developed for iOS
- Even in iOS, crazy bugged (didn't even let me create an acc)
- I keep seeing contradictory NSFW rules
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElyssiaNikos/status/1595113241101074432
Are any other #Android users not able to access their photos and other media on the @TheHIVE_Social@twitter.com??
I've granted all permissions and tried all the usual tricks, but I just cannot get this app to work for me.
#android #hivesocial #hivesocialapp
#Twitter'dan kurtulmak istiyorsanız #Mastodon 'dan daha iyi bir seçenek var. #hivesocialapp
Şuan bazı sorunları var ama şimdiden yerinizi ayırın bence.
Twitter + instagram + ask.fm
Hepsine tek bir alternatif 👍🏼
#hivesocialapp #mastodon #twitter
‼️ Auf gar keinen Fall shoppe ich in einem Online Shop ohne Impressum!!! Nicht mal Kontaktdaten gibt es dort --- vollkommen unseriös!!!
Aber wenn es ein "soziales Netzwerk" ist - klar. Take my Data 👍
#hivesocial #hive #hivesocialapp