@senschumer@birdsite.wilde.cloud Can you speak to the timing of your decision to work on the in 2023 instead of bringing it to a vote in 2022? Is it true you're letting expire and starting over in the Senate, with the expectation the House won't pass it again? What's happening, please? msmagazine.com/2022/12/22/equa

#era #hjres17 #eranow

Last updated 2 years ago

@chuckschumer provides the legal basis for that is harder to repeal than the standalone laws being contemplated.

The People have spoken. We want Constitutional . YOU can make it happen by introducing this in the Senate ASAP.

#era #reproductiverights #equalityforall #eranow #erayes #equalrightsamendment #hjres17 #equalpayforequalwork #equality #womensrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago