RT from Historical Firearms | Matthew Moss (@historicfirearm)
A short engagement featuring a suppressed HK416, likely an A2 with a 10.3 inch barrel. Said to be from recent fighting on the edges of Bakhmut.
More on HK416s in #Ukraine here: https://armourersbench.com/2023/06/18/heckler-koch-hk416s-in-ukraine/
#UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #HK416
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/historicfirearm/status/1670820139527290881
#ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainerussiawar #hk416
RT from Historical Firearms | Matthew Moss (@historicfirearm)
A short engagement featuring a suppressed HK416, likely an A2 with a 10.3 inch barrel. Said to be from recent fighting on the edges of Bakhmut.
More on HK416s in #Ukraine here: https://armourersbench.com/2023/06/18/heckler-koch-hk416s-in-ukraine/
#UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #HK416
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/historicfirearm/status/1670820139527290881
#ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainerussiawar #hk416
A short engagement featuring a suppressed HK416, likely an A2 with a 10.3 inch barrel. Said to be from recent fighting on the edges of Bakhmut.
More on HK416s in #Ukraine here: https://armourersbench.com/2023/06/18/heckler-koch-hk416s-in-ukraine/
#UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #HK416
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/historicfirearm/status/1670820139527290881
#ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainerussiawar #hk416
ライブでここまで進みました #今日のライブ進捗 #女の子 #ドールズフロントライン #HK416 #落書き ドルフロのキャラ初めて描いてみた。やはりベレー帽は難しい #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/4562850858648546160 https://pawoo.net/media/ua3Ju7N0JQTL9WxhaXM
#pixivsketch #落書き #hk416 #ドールズフロントライン #女の子 #今日のライブ進捗
pixivに投稿しました HK416 #pixiv #ドールズフロントライン #HK416 #ラフ https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=73335012&mode=medium
#ラフ #hk416 #ドールズフロントライン #pixiv
416 love you~ https://pawoo.net/media/tAchA3T9Jt0R43HjTqI #少女前線 #少女前线 #hk416