2023 Books Read: April
The Traders' War - Charles Stross
The Revolution Trade - Charles Stross
The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld - Stephen Briggs & Terry Pratchett
Vigilance - Robert Jackson Bennett
Currently reading: Foundryside - Robert Jackson Bennett
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
2023 Books Read: March
Three Miles Down - Harry Turtledove
Smoke and Mirrors - Neil Gaiman
Currently reading - The Traders' War - Charles Stross
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
2023 Books Read: March
Redshirts - John Scalzi
Lock In - John Scalzi
Unlocked - John Scalzi
An Election - John Scalzi
The Bloodline Feud - Charles Stross
Currently reading: Three Miles Down - Harry Turtledove
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
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