Health and Wellbeing Goals: June - July
Fruit and veg - Increase to 5 per day.
Drinks - Keep coffees to 4 or 5 per day.
Exercise - Increase from 150 mins / 12,500 steps per week towards 200 - 300 mins / 16,700 - 25,000 steps per week.
Physical Wellbeing - Get up and move around at least every hour to avoid aches and pains building up. Eg walk into another room and look out of the window / walk up and down stairs.
This year I'm focusing on health and wellbeing. It was something I was intending to do anyway, but after a somewhat bumpy start to the year it became more important and pressing. I'm journalling to track various things that I want or need to keep an eye on, so I can see how it's going and what I need to work on or change. So far it seems to be working.
2023 Books Read: April
The Traders' War - Charles Stross
The Revolution Trade - Charles Stross
The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld - Stephen Briggs & Terry Pratchett
Vigilance - Robert Jackson Bennett
Currently reading: Foundryside - Robert Jackson Bennett
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
At the charity shop where I volunteer the book sales for March were even better than those for February; which was the previous best month ever at £1509. March is the new best month ever at £1700! 📚📚 📚
TIL that if you click on the summary of boosts and favourites at the bottom of an expanded post, it shows who boosted or favourited it.
Charity shop sales for the 2022-2023 financial year were fantastic and we came in over budget! Celebrated for a minute or two, and then realised we'll have to do even better this year.
2023 Books Read: March
Three Miles Down - Harry Turtledove
Smoke and Mirrors - Neil Gaiman
Currently reading - The Traders' War - Charles Stross
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
Currently I can see about 1 day's worth of posts in my Home timeline, so I've been wondering how this will change if I follow a lot more people, or start to follow hashtags. It looks like there may be a limit of 400 posts in Home timelines, according to GitHub.
Looking forward to starting a new, permanent job next week.
2023 Books Read: March
Redshirts - John Scalzi
Lock In - John Scalzi
Unlocked - John Scalzi
An Election - John Scalzi
The Bloodline Feud - Charles Stross
Currently reading: Three Miles Down - Harry Turtledove
#2023books #amreading #hk72posts #hk72books
I'm experimenting with using individual hashtags to make specific posts visible to me. As I generally post occasionally and boost frequently, my posts tend to get lost. Using hashtags means I can collect them into one place and view them easily. So far it's working, and I'm pleased with the results.
Personal hashtags
Why we often remember the bad better than the good