Nokia G310 is a cheap, repairable smartphone coming to the US #Hmd, #Nokia, #NokiaG310, #Repair, #Repairable
#hmd #nokia #nokiag310 #repair #repairable
Making Your Own VR Headset? Consider This DIY Lens Design - Lenses are a necessary part of any head-mounted display, but unfortunately, they a... - #virtualreality #pancakelens #headset #optics #lens #diy #hmd #vr
#vr #hmd #diy #lens #optics #headset #pancakelens #virtualreality
Behold a DIY VR Headset its Creator Will “Never” Build Again - Unsatisfied with commercial VR headset options, [dragonskyrunner] did what any ent... - #virtualreality #fresnel #headset #lenses #diy #fov #hmd #vr
#vr #hmd #fov #diy #lenses #headset #fresnel #virtualreality
Enhance VR Immersion by Shoehorning an Ambilight into a Headset - Everyone wants a wider field of view in their VR headsets, but that’s not an easy ... - #virtualreality #videohacks #valveindex #ambilight #ledhacks #headset #video #fov #hmd #rgb #vr
#vr #rgb #hmd #fov #video #headset #ledhacks #ambilight #valveindex #videohacks #virtualreality
Ars Technica: Devs find that Vision Pro can’t do true room-scale VR, but that’s no surprise #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #augmentedreality #AppleVisionPro #virtualreality #mixedreality #AppleVision #visionOS #Apple #apple #Tech #hmd #ar #VR #XR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #augmentedreality #applevisionpro #VirtualReality #mixedreality #applevision #visionos #apple #hmd #ar #vr #xr
「SteamVR Base Station 2.0」が1年ぶりの再入荷、VIVE Pro 2などに対応
#PC周辺機器 #HMD #主要PCパーツ
Ars Technica: Apple reveals Vision Pro, a AR/VR headset unlike any other #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #mixedreality #RealityPro #WWDC2023 #Gaming #apple #Tech #xrOS #hmd #ar #VR #XR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #mixedreality #realitypro #wwdc2023 #Gaming #apple #xros #hmd #ar #vr #xr
Apple reveals Vision Pro, a AR/VR headset unlike any other - Enlarge / Apple's Vision Pro headset
CUPERTINO, Calif.—After ... - #mixedreality #realitypro #wwdc2023 #gaming #apple #tech #xros #hmd #ar #vr #xr
#xr #vr #ar #hmd #xros #tech #apple #gaming #wwdc2023 #realitypro #mixedreality
Good afternoon everyone. As some of you may have noticed a few days ago I grabbed a #Nokia X30 smartphone which I've been impressed with! It was joined the after by their T20 tablet which for £140 has been brilliant for what I use it for (Far better experience then the Amazon equivalents etc).
Well done #HMD
Report: Tim Cook overruled Apple design team’s request to delay XR headset - Enlarge / Apple CEO Tim Cook. (credit: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg via ... - #augmentedreality #virtualreality #jeffwilliams #mixedreality #timcook #apple #tech #hmd #ar #xr
#xr #ar #hmd #tech #apple #timcook #mixedreality #jeffwilliams #virtualreality #augmentedreality
Ars Technica: Report: Tim Cook overruled Apple design team’s request to delay XR headset #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #augmentedreality #virtualreality #jeffwilliams #mixedreality #TimCook #apple #Tech #hmd #ar #XR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #augmentedreality #VirtualReality #jeffwilliams #mixedreality #timcook #apple #hmd #ar #xr
Eyedak's vrAse A2 is a phone-based VR headset that uses your phone as a display. You can 3D print your own and buy a 59€ kit with lenses, straps, and other components or pay 159€ a fully-assembled model. No word on lens specs or other details though.
#eyedak #eyedakvrasea2 #virtualreality #vr #vrheadset #hmd
再有廠商遷離中國 HMD 宣佈 Nokia 第三季歐洲生產
近期有越來越多數碼和電子產品品牌決定將生產線,從中國遷移到其他國家,當中最受關注的當然是 Apple。日前舉行手機發佈會的 HMD Global 亦宣佈類似舉措,計劃將部分 Nokia 手機的生產線從中國遷離,不過並非如 Apple 般改在東南亞或印度組裝,而是選擇在歐洲生產。The post 再有廠商遷離中國 HMD 宣佈 Nokia 第三季歐洲生產 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#手提電話 #HMD #nokia
Nokia G22 auf Geekbench aufgetaucht: Vorstellung auf MWC 2023 möglich? #AndroidHandy #MobilePhone #technologie #Smartphone #Technology #Android12 #Android13 #hmdglobal #NokiaG22 #Android #android #technik #nokia #phone #News #tech #G22 #HMD
#AndroidHandy #mobilephone #technologie #smartphone #technology #android12 #android13 #hmdglobal #nokiag22 #android #technik #nokia #phone #news #tech #g22 #hmd
circa 2000AD
Anybody remember this #IBM ad?
It's been at least 23 years since the #wearable computer's been touted..
It's still all platforms and no protocols.. It's still far off.
But this #HMD and that #headset! sure! all day those #vive and #occulus thangs.. until they don't anymore.
Those aren't display hardware, they're human capital siphons; you're the peripheral.
They're platforms. Display hardware should be for protocols.
Otherwise, forget it.
I'm the crazy one though, right?
#ibm #wearable #hmd #headset #vive #occulus
"Genocide is facilitated by ordinary people."
#HMD2023 #HMD
#holocaustmemorialday #hmd2023 #hmd