So, the U.K. Gov is insisting on animal testing of cosmetics, despite the cosmetics companies saying it is unnecessary. #animalwelfare #animaltesting #cosmetics #EU #HMG #tories Bastards
#animalwelfare #animaltesting #cosmetics #EU #hmg #tories
You are still being rude......I would just ignore you if I did not like debating so much
and you are still asserting stuff. The #EU has dozens of trade deals with other countries - the UK is one of them. It's not a matter of "cherry-picking" it is a matter of negotiating variations in the trade deals we have with the #EU. The #NIP is actively being renegotiated as we post - and the EU offered to simplify many of the checks within it - rejected by the planks in #HMG at the time
You need rather more than that level of support to win any #indyRef2 - the full force of #HMG (whether #toriesOut or #labour ), #bbc and the #nonDomOwned press will be against you, bribes & threats will be issued, comforting lies told
But good to see #scots moving the right way - no small country ever regretted escaping the domination of a much larger neighbour - regardless of economics
#IndyRef2 #hmg #ToriesOut #Labour #bbc #nondomowned #scots
#Politics #politicsuk #RailStrikes . Is #HMG pulling back from #Standoff with the #Unions ?
You all know where I stand. #Solidarity #ToriesOut #RejoinEU ✊💖🇪🇺 xxPalky
#RejoinEU #toriesout #solidarity #unions #standoff #hmg #RailStrikes #politicsuk #politics
@kentishfran Great #Toot Not sure anyone in #HMG has ever read any #Chomsky
#Tuesday #Mastodon #Journal #Politics As general factotum for my #Patron always a list. Normalische, #Domestics #Shopping #Work #DIY #Gardening Listening to #Radio4 Interesting how the BBC #Today Early broadcast on #Strikes + effect on #Public Following #HMG #Propaganda Now 08.30 (GMT) the subs have got to the #Story now giving airtime to the #Union opposition view. Methinks too little too late. Have a good day out there. #Solidarity #SupportTheNurses #ToriesOut xxP
#toriesout #SupportTheNurses #solidarity #union #story #propaganda #hmg #public #strikes #today #radio4 #gardening #diy #work #shopping #domestics #patron #politics #journal #Mastodon #tuesday
I see that public sector unions are considering boycotting discussions on 2023/24 pay with the various pay review bodies
Sounds a good idea to me - given #HMG only accept the findings that suit them, & brief so-called "independent" review boards with limits that restrict the recommendation to what HMG will accept
Were #nurses to settle for the current 4.5% average pay offer for 2021/2, then the chances that HMG would accept an award that catches up the lost 6% from inflation this year is zero
Good morning. #Detectorists Just brilliant. I have no t.v. so was watching at a friends. He is new to this so I missed every nuance but even so just a great way to pick up after a #Bad #News day. On which subject, Jamie Oliver guest edit #BBC #Today #Politics great assault on #HMG. #Obesity + #Food . Yesterdays #Photography from #Strood #Dhawan #Sihkism Would someone #Translate please? More undoubtedly will follow.
#Detectorists #bad #news #bbc #today #politics #hmg #obesity #food #photography #strood #dhawan #sihkism #translate
Study identifies #genomic region related to #sex determination of #macroalga #Undaria pinnatifida.
#genomic #sex #macroalga #undaria #hmg
Seems #HMG is bent on worsening the situation in the #NHS by making staff justifiably more #angry and #strikes more likely.
As #HMG ponders #Cumbria mine,’s Tony Danker tells the U.K.’s future growth will come from the green economy. I couldn’t find a single UK steel firm that wanted Cumbrian coal
As #HMG ponders #Cumbria mine,’s Tony Danker tells the U.K.’s future growth will come from the green economy. I couldn’t find a single UK steel firm that wanted Cumbrian coal
As #HMG ponders #Cumbria mine,’s Tony Danker tells the U.K.’s future growth will come from the green economy. I couldn’t find a single UK steel firm that wanted Cumbrian coal