149 of 151 ships - HMS Warrior crew list - recent updates
(Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project)
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Please follow the link to view the crew list for this ship.
#battleofjutland #genealogy #greatwar #ww1 #history #worldwar1 #familyhistory #skagerrakschlacht #royalnavy #ancestorian #jutland107 #hmswarrior
HMS Warrior yesterday morning…
#hmswarrior #royalnavy #portsmouth #historicdockyard #history #historic #artreference
#hmswarrior #royalnavy #portsmouth #historicdockyard #history #historic #artreference
OTD in 1860, HMS WARRIOR, the first ironclad was launched at the Thames Ironworks. Lord Thomas Cochrane's third born son Sir Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro Cochrane became her first captain.
#navalhistory #cochranetrivia #lordcochrane #sirarthuraucklandleopoldpedrocochrane #ironclad #hmswarrior #otd
HMS WARRIOR with festive decoration 🎄🎅
#sailing #sailors #tallship #festivedecoration #hmswarrior #christmas