Lomba, A., D. McCracken, and I. Herzon. 2023. Editorial: High Nature Value farming systems in Europe. Ecology and Society 28(2):20
A selection of my recent media activities can be accessed from here
#hnvfarming #uplands #agriculture #environment #climatechange #biodiversitycrisis
#hnvfarming #uplands #agriculture #environment #climatechange #biodiversitycrisis
Vacancy Pls Share. Do you want to provide technical support to ecological & digital technology research being conducted at @SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre research farms, near Crianlarich?
Closing date 7th December - apply now.
#ecology #innovation #IoT #hnvfarming #mountains #biodiversity #climatechange
#ecology #innovation #iot #hnvfarming #mountains #biodiversity #climatechange
Appreciate that this is from the bird site, but the issue itself is huge for the future of #hnvfarming in Ireland if the govnt don't fix this
RT @BantryBookshop@twitter.com
Delighted to welcome @IrishRainforest@twitter.com to Bantry Bookshop! Eoghan kindly signed copies of the glorious 'An Irish Atlantic Rainforest' for bookshop customers. An important read, and a wonderful gift this holiday season. @wcorklitfest@twitter.com @NativeWoodTrust@twitter.com #Rewilding #HNVfarming
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BantryBookshop/status/1591798987748773889
A bit more background on me
#introduction #highnaturevalue #hnvfarming #chough #innovation #agriculturalecologist #sciencetopolicy
#introduction #highnaturevalue #hnvfarming #chough #innovation #agriculturalecologist #sciencetopolicy