Signed #FLLeg Revises provisions relating to homeowners' associations including official records, fines & suspensions, attorney fees, and provides criminal & civil penalties for actions by officers, directors, or managers of association.
I've got a new "most puzzling" customer experience story.
So I've been trying to acquire some new pool chairs for my HOA pool. I found a good deal on some commercial grade chairs to replace our "fancy" chairs that have lasted 1 and a half seasons because... people don't treat them very well.
I ordered them from a national pool supply company and was going to pick them up at a local store.
The original date was 8/1.
Yesterday, a follower told me I should put a CW on a news story that had already been posted without one. I replied that they shouldn't tell people to CW. They unfollowed me, then forced (block/unblock) my account to unfollow theirs. I then blocked them.
(I didn't break any server rules; I always follow those.)
It's better to curate your own feed than to tell people how to post. That's #HOA behavior, and nobody likes that.
Eu pareço inteligente, mas entrei num buraco negro na Wikipedia nessa madrugada e dormi só 4h por conta disso.
A última coisa que aprendi é que Andorra tem 2 chefes de Estado, são 2 copríncipes.
"Copríncipe" é algo que meu corretor não reconhece como certo com ou sem hífen.
After hearing tons of #HOA horror stories I've decided I'd rather live in a heavily haunted house surrounded by a centuries old cemetery than with a bunch of Karens in an HOA.
Wishing everyone a great time at Hacken Open Air by Stratum 0 starting today in Gifhorn, Germany
Gab es auf dem letzten HoA eigentlich C19 Fälle? #hoa #hackenopenair #cccamp23
"The judicial foreclosures were initiated for unpaid #HOA debts, not unpaid bank loans, and those debts were sometimes as small as a few thousand dollars before they ballooned w/interest, HOA attorneys fees & court costs.
...the process eats away at or completely erases generational wealth in a way traditional lender #foreclosures for unpaid mortgages, which are more common and involve much larger debts, may not."
#hoa #foreclosures #home #colorado #usa #News
Recht wenig los unter dem Hashtag #HeadbangersOpenAir, das prangere ich an! #HOA
No one has time to be HOA president, but they sure do have time to roll up on a golf cart every time I'm at the pool/clubhouse trying to quickly do a little maintenance thing so they can ask me if we can drop waaay to much money to convert the tennis courts (Which no one uses) into a pickleball court which no one will use.
So now I'm going to get 3 quotes to see how much of a hole it would blow in the HOA budget.
I swear my HOA has a quota that every 3 months they MUST find something to “violate" every house in the neighborhood on, in order to justify their office supply budget.
This week, I’m getting an official violation letter for driveway weeds. That's a highly pressing concern for them. For some reason.
#hoa #karen #petty #firstworldproblems
Turns out the rain was substantially less than I was expecting, going off my apps telling me when it was going to rain for nearly the entire month of July.
Got the deck painted today but I'll have to do it again in another week or two to finish the top of it, since I ran out of paint.
Hopefully this passes for the #hoa, who seem pretty on point with getting me to do things so far. The perfect mix of not telling me enough of the things I need to know about my unit but making sure I have chores.
Dear #HOA,
This is a plot of #Goldenrod (gen. /Solidago/). They are #native to this area, have lovely yellow #flowers, and enrich the soil with #nitrogen. It is also a "keystone species", extremely important for #pollinator #diversity.
Since I am cultivating them, they are exempt from Sec 20-2(a), even if higher than 10 inches.
There are some #weeds here, especially an invasive monocot called "#grass". I am doing my best to eradicate it.
Thanks for your patience.
ex oh ex oh
luv, mike
#grass #weeds #diversity #pollinator #nitrogen #Flowers #native #goldenrod #hoa
Dear, #HOA,
I have received your kind note of July 10, and it did not seem passive-aggressive at all.
Thank you, however for reminding me that I am not letting my #grass grow high enough. Since 3 inches is apparently to short, from now on I will only cut my #lawn to a height of 9 inches, as you suggest.
ex oh ex oh, luv mike
Texas gets it right! (Which is rare.)
Bans HOAs from discriminating against Section 8 recipients.