Having finished #Leviathan by #Hobbes, I have moved on to #Locke and his Two Treatises on Government. Whew! What snark. He goes after Sir Robert Filmer with a vengeance!
@Draxton67 @Radical_EgoCom @YaRo your #sarcasm is strong in this one...
Also #Hobbes is not good...
Much of #Hobbes #Leviathan is a somewhat full-throated defense of #patriarchy, so I guess it is both equally surprising and not when he calls for the exemption of “men of feminine courage” from military service (Chap. 21), and yet it is because he recognizes their “natural timorousnesse” with that of women.
#hobbes #leviathan #patriarchy
So, there (at least) two different unabridged audiobooks of #Hobbes #Leviathan available from the library(well, #Hoopla). I am about 1/4 of the one 23:16 long. The other is 21:50, and I cannot imagine going any faster than the reader is for the one I am listening to.
Wing Commander Cats!
I loved playing Wing Commander in the early 90s; and I was heartbroken when my best wingman, Hobbes (a Cat, and the best shooter!), turned against me, and the Terran Confederation, to reveal he was with the Kilrathi Cats all along!
"Ralgha nar Hhallas" indeed!
(Thanks to @carquint for the painful memory reminder!!!)
#AI #Midjourney #WingCommander #Hobbes #Terran #VideoGames #1990
#ai #midjourney #wingcommander #hobbes #terran #videogames
My word of the day. #Pusillanimity
#Hobbes keeps using this in the early chapters of #Leviathan. I find it difficult to pronounce.
#pusillanimity #hobbes #leviathan
@Caelumtangi jo de moment he de repassar a #Hobbes que demà ens ha convocat la @mariaballester a tu, al @nan, a l' @smjle i a mi a reflexionar sobre si som dolents, o bons, de naixement o ens fem.
De #Rousseau ja en tinc més detalls. 🙂
La @mariaballester ens ha posat deures per demà @nan 😊
#Hobbes o #Rousseau
Crec que és per un seminari. 😉
M'apunte. 🙋
@nan és terrible com de xunga és aquesta societat i a quantes persones s'emporta per davant.
Em ve al cap una pregunta que trobo molt interessant:
Les persones (en el sentit més col·lectiu de la paraula) som dolentes de neixement o ens hi tornem? #Hobbes o #Rosseau ? Podem xerrar-ho demà, eh, que és llarg 😅 @bonobo
Eindelijk ken ik nu de bedoeling van het leven. Ben volkomen sereen nu.
For fans of Calvin and Hobbes:
I saw this on Facebook, but I tracked down what I think is the source.
#calvin #hobbes #calvinandhobbes #EndofLife #emotions
#Hobbes (born #OTD 1588) had a bad reputation. Possibly worse in Ireland: Thomas Molyneux (brother of #WilliamMolyneux) was scandalized by a bust of Hobbes being given a prominent spot in the Royal Society.
The Royal Society had obviously got past Hobbes's attack on #RobertBoyle's treatise on the air pump https://www.lindahall.org/about/news/scientist-of-the-day/thomas-hobbes
Hobbes had earlier disputed (while both were in Paris) with John Bramhall, Bishop of Derry, over free will and necessity.
#hobbes #otd #williammolyneux #robertboyle #irishphilosophy
#Hobbes (born #OTD 1588) had a bad reputation. Possibly worse in Ireland: Thomas Molyneux (brother of #WilliamMolyneux) was scandalized by a bust of Hobbes being given a prominent spot in the Royal Society.
The Royal Society had obviously got past Hobbes's attack on #RobertBoyle's treatise on the air pump https://www.lindahall.org/about/news/scientist-of-the-day/thomas-hobbes
#hobbes #otd #williammolyneux #robertboyle #irishphilosophy