A cozy little #Hobbit hole.
#AIhorde #AIart #stablediffusion #stablediffusionart #sdxl #artist #art #aiartists #aiartist #lotr #lordoftherings
#hobbit #aihorde #aiart #stablediffusion #stablediffusionart #sdxl #artist #art #aiartists #aiartist #lotr #lordoftherings
I wonder, why is the #Tolkien Estate okay with the companies like #Palantir and #Anduril using their names, after many years of suing others for the same thing (e.g. TSR for having hobbits in Dungeons & Dragons)? I wouldn't want to associate Tolkien's legacy with such... controversial entities. This really speaks volumes about their priorities.
#LordOfTheRings #Hobbit #Literature #Fiction #Law #Politics #PeterThiel #PalmerLuckey
#tolkien #palantir #anduril #lordoftherings #hobbit #literature #fiction #law #politics #peterthiel #palmerluckey
RT @TolkienSociety@twitter.com
On 2 September 1973 J.R.R. #Tolkien died aged 81. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is the best-selling book of the 20th Century, and is joined by seminal works The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.
He may have died 50 years ago but his influence and legacy lives on in us all.
#Tolkien #LOTR #Hobbit #Silmarillion
Image Credit: © 2012 Julian Nyča Wikipedia CC BY-SA
#tolkien #lotr #hobbit #silmarillion
Tolkien – der Autor von „Der Herr der Ringe“ und überzeugter katholischer Christ aus England
Sein Werk sei „christlich“ hat J.R.R. Tolkien einmal einem Journalisten gesagt. Seine Mutter Mabel Tolkien nannte er eine moderne Märtyrerin. Und Pater Francis Morgan vom Birmingham Oratory (Birminghamer Oratorium) nannte er seinen „geistigen Vater“ - den eigenen hatte er kaum bewusst wahrgenommen. Täglich besuchte...
#tolkien #todestag #ringe #Mittelerde #hobbit
#GoodMorning lovely people #HappyFriday to you all.
Today I will be mostly cursing, while sorting out threads for yet another new #CrossStitch this time its a Stitch Your Own Adventure called Wandering In Middle Earth. So yeah its based around #Hobbit and #LOTR this calls to me on so many levels. Best bit, its a free pattern!
Its a sore, lazy day for me!
I hope you all have the day you need, be safe and spread some love!
#lotr #hobbit #crossstitch #happyfriday #GoodMorning
Everyone knows you can't be happy and be civilised, the two are mutually exclusive 😂
@fantasy @fantasybookstodon @speculativefictioncomedy @bookstodon
#Book #Books
#LotR #Tolkien #Hobbit #Happiness
#Bookworm #Bookwyrm #Bookstodon #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
#book #books #lotr #tolkien #hobbit #happiness #bookworm #bookwyrm #bookstodon #booklove #boostingissharing
Okay ich schaue ein Video über #wölfe in Deutschland und ich bin pro Wolf, obwohl ich Enkelin von Landwirten bin und ein #Dorfkind
Jetzt gibt es diesen universellen Tipp, macht bei einer Begegnung Krach und macht euch groß.
Ich werde von meinem Bruder #hobbit genannt, der Wolf stirbt vielleicht vor Lachen wenn ich versuche mich groß zu machen!
Filmy i seriale:
»Urodziny Richarda Armitage’a«
22 sierpnia 1971 roku przyszedł na świat angielski aktor Richard Crispin Armitage.
#Fahrenheit_zin #Hobbit #GwiezdneWojny #MroczneWidmo #PeterJackson #Niezwykłapodróż #RobinHood #RichardArmitage #Kleopatra #PółnocPołudnie #Frozen #ThorinDębowaTarcza #PustkowieSmauga #BitwaPięciuArmii
#fahrenheit_zin #hobbit #gwiezdnewojny #mrocznewidmo #peterjackson #niezwyklapodroz #robinhood #richardarmitage #kleopatra #polnocpoludnie #frozen #thorindebowatarcza #pustkowiesmauga #bitwapieciuarmii
I’m about to start #Reading the #Hobbit because I am incapable of reading the #LordOfTheRings without starting where it begins. Plus, the Hobbit is fairly quick and fun. I’m so excited to restart my annual reading of Tolkien!
I’m also starting a little early because I want to finish all four volumes by year’s end, and I anticipate it taking me slightly longer than usual.
I’m going on an adventure!!
#reading #hobbit #lordoftherings
#lordoftherings #hobbit #hobbits #urukhai #orcos #amonhen #lacomunidaddelanillo #fellowshipofthering #boronir #merry #pippin #worldchangas #yonkis
#lordoftherings #hobbit #hobbits #urukhai #orcos #amonhen #lacomunidaddelanillo #fellowshipofthering #boronir #merry #pippin #worldchangas #yonkis
Today is Highday, the 18th day of Wedmath by Shire-reckoning.
new on the Blog: Last Hope: a darker AU of the Lord of the Rings stemming from just one change: what if Bilbo didn't leave Bag End and catch up to the dwarves the day after the Unexpected Party? #ttrpg #LoTR #fantasy #Hobbit #tolkien #LordOfTheRings #TheOneRing
Ni 'lassui En !
#ttrpg #lotr #fantasy #hobbit #tolkien #lordoftherings #theonering
Mein Magen hat nach einem zweiten #Frühstück verlangt, weiß auch nicht. Ich bin eh nicht besonders groß, vielleicht bin ich jetzt ein #Hobbit.
Ich muss heute eh etwas anpacken, macht also nichts.
🧙🏼♂️ “J'ai découvert que ce sont les petites choses, les actes quotidiens des gens ordinaires, qui maintiennent les ténèbres à distance. De simples actes de gentillesse et d'amour” {#Gandalf
Le nouveau numéro de l’Humanité Magazine est à retrouver chez les marchands de journaux ou sur notre kiosque numérique 👉 https://boutique.humanite.fr/common/categories/1717?fbclid=IwAR0PqD_xZLLNGudvgUQ9T-tKOrBPidFmdY0Q6fmA37Tx3cQaaldSmvAi5AI 👈 #LOTR #SeigneurDesAnneaux #Hobbit #Humanite ⤵️
#gandalf #lotr #seigneurdesanneaux #hobbit #humanite
Today is Trewsday, the 8th day of Wedmath by Shire-reckoning.
Gizmodo: Lizzo Is Living Her Best Life in the Shire https://gizmodo.com/lizzo-lord-of-the-rings-the-shire-hobbits-music-1850686771 #entertainmentculture #thelordoftherings #humaninterest #thehobbit #theshire #breakbot #hobbit #lizzo #grogu #rpg
#entertainmentculture #thelordoftherings #humaninterest #thehobbit #theshire #breakbot #hobbit #lizzo #grogu #rpg