What about Second Breakfast? #hobbit #hobbitcore #hobbitfood
#hobbit #hobbitcore #hobbitfood
🔮 What about buttons?? Which one would you pick?Any requests for other slogans?
Wie wär's mit Buttons? Welchen würdet Ihr Euch aussuchen? Und habt Ihr Wünsche für weitere Sprüche?
#LordOfTheRings #Hobbit
#Silmarillion #TolkienCollection #ShireFolk
#TolkienLibrary #TolkiensWorld #TolkienFolk
#HobbitCore #TolkienFandom
#ConcerningHobbits #HobbitLife #HobbitMonth
#Silmaria #BetreutesLesen #PodcastLiebe
#TolkiensBriefe #TolkiensLetters
#tolkien #RingsOfPower #lordoftherings #hobbit #silmarillion #tolkiencollection #shirefolk #tolkienlibrary #tolkiensworld #tolkienfolk #hobbitcore #tolkienfandom #concerninghobbits #hobbitlife #hobbitmonth #silmaria #betreuteslesen #podcastliebe #tolkiensbriefe #tolkiensletters #buttonsbuttonsbuttons
I encountered the term #cosycore (rather than "hardcore") from the lovely Cassie Evans, but I really appreciated the response from someone else that they wanted #hobbitcore. I love it. I spent the day fussing with my new heat and planning to make soup for myself and my neighbors; as Hobbitcore as it gets. 🤘🍲