This is accurate, but it tells the wrong story. The headline should be More Garbage Bills Sent To #Arizona Governor Than Ever Before.
#Hobbs has #vetoed more bills than any previous Arizona governor, but if she hadn't she wouldn't have been doing her job. She's wouldn't have if the bills sent to her weren't trash.
I saw this awesome Calvin & Hobbs artwork on a wall while I was on a border run from Costa Rica in Florida
January 31st 2015
Photo by me
#calvin #hobbs #lifesshorthavefun
Arizona governor blasted for plans to defy execution order By Jacques Billeaud March 15, 2023
[PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs is being criticized by a victim’s sister and a powerful county prosecutor for her plans to defy a court order to execute a prisoner next month for his conviction in a 2002 killing. The newly elected Democratic governor vowed nearly two weeks ago that she wouldn’t carry out the Arizona Supreme Court’s order to execute Aaron Gunches on April 6, citing a review that she has ordered of death penalty protocols due to Arizona’s history of mismanaging executions.]
I'd say that the State of Arizona, especially their death chamber, is out of business.
Former Governor Jan Brewer along with their Attorney General, admitted guilt in their efforts to murder me while residing and working there for and with Raytheon Tucson post 2005.
This stems back to NYS's prior efforts at child harm, atrocity, and multiple murders that Arizona thought they could solve with their fist.
NY is guilty and now so is AZ.
Joe Arpaio would also tend to ruin all of this.
#Arizona #Arpaio #CapitalPunishment #DeathPenalty #Execution #Gunches #Hobbs #KatieHobbs #Maricopa #Murder #Penzone #Phoenix
#Arizona #arpaio #capitalpunishment #deathpenalty #execution #gunches #hobbs #KatieHobbs #maricopa #murder #penzone #phoenix
When your #Democratic Secretary of State introduces an Anti-RCV bill and calls it "Voter Education".
This is written to undermine any progress on election method improvements. It is not about education.
#SB5378 #waleg #SOS #Hobbs #FairVoteWA #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting
#democratic #sb5378 #waleg #sos #hobbs #fairvotewa #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting
Not only is Katie Hobbs tied to drug cartels, but so is Bill Gates. No, not the guy in Redmond with ties to Jeffery Epstein. The Bill Gates from Maricopa County who was in charge of screwing up the vote count in Maricopa County.
#election #electionfraud #AZ #Arizona #politics #USA #KatieHobbs #Hobbs #KariLake #NoAgendaBanneCamp
#election #electionfraud #az #arizona #politics #usa #katiehobbs #hobbs #karilake #noagendabannecamp
8 years ago today
I saw this awesome Calvin & Hobbs artwork on a wall while I was on a border run from Costa Rica in Florida
January 31st 2015
Photo by me
#calvin #hobbs #lifesshorthavefun
#Hobbs signs executive order protecting #LGBTQ state employees from #discrimination
#USA #Arizona
La governatrice-eletta dell'Arizona Katie #Hobbs (#D|Centro-sinistra) ha chiesto a un tribunale di sanzionare la candidata sconfitta Kari #Lake (#R|ECR) per il suo tentativo fallito di ribaltare i risultati elettorali dello stato.
Sabato un giudice dell'Arizona ha respinto la causa legale di Lake che contestava il conteggio e la certificazione dello scrutinio.
#usa #arizona #hobbs #d #lake #r
A judge on Saturday threw out Republican Kari Lake’s challenge of her defeat in the #Arizona #governor’s race to the Democrat Katie #Hobbs, rejecting her claim that problems with ballot printers at some polling places on election day were the result of intentional misconduct.
Right now, #Reed #Cesarini #Hobbs #Markowski and #Dupertuis sound in #Lugano #wch
#reed #cesarini #hobbs #markowski #dupertuis #Lugano #wch
In 10 minutes, #Reed #Cesarini #Hobbs #Markowski and #Dupertuis sound in #Lugano #wch
#reed #cesarini #hobbs #markowski #dupertuis #Lugano #wch
Today, #Reed #Cesarini #Hobbs #Markowski and #Dupertuis sound in #Lugano #wch
#reed #cesarini #hobbs #markowski #dupertuis #Lugano #wch
Today, #Reed #Cesarini #Hobbs #Markowski and #Dupertuis sound in #Lugano #wch
#reed #cesarini #hobbs #markowski #dupertuis #Lugano #wch
Oon niin väsynyt republikaaneihin. Niin väsynyt.
"#Lake ei ole suostunut myöntämään tappiotaan #Hobbs ille, ja nyt hän on jättänyt virallisen valituksen, jossa hän vaatii oikeutta hylkäämään osavaltion väkirikkaimman piirikunnan vaalituloksen. Laken mukaan oikeuden pitää joko jättää Maricopan piirikunnan äänet kokonaan huomioimatta ja julistaa hänet voittajaksi tai järjestää uusi äänestys kyseisessä piirikunnassa."
#lake #hobbs #uspol #republikaanit #polhooikeisto #yhdysvallat #usa
#LeakedEmail Alleges Contact Between #Hobbs, #TwitterStaff to Censor ‘#Election Related #Misinformation’.
#misinformation #election #twitterstaff #hobbs #leakedemail
@popeawesomexiii this is your world lead by Hero Investor Entrepreneur Chosen By God we have ceded our sovereignty to. #hobbs would be *glowing*. Absolute Monarchy is the *perfect* government without flaw.
@TucsonSentinel It's interesting to note that the hand count evidence that #Hamadeh submitted showed only the following errors: 1 extra vote for #Hobbs in election day voting, and 1 missed vote for Hobbs in early voting. You don't have to be good at math for that one.