Love how you can scale numbers in Xenos Rampant to highlight that space marines should be able to tear through waves of normal guys. Here are some 24pt forces I've been practising rules with.
3 terminators forming the entirety of a heavy armour elite force.
8 Space Marines are an elite infantry group
A light infantry guard type group
Also, put together a large militia/cult force with added zombies
#xenosrampant #hobbyhealthy
Had some fun with some Xenos Rampant again today. Game 1 zombie cult overran some heavy infantry, game 2 Heavy Elite infantry totally ahniliated the heavy infantry. #Xenosrampant #hobbyhealthy
1 fleet from my homemade set will be trying to adapt some one page rules FTL to suit my style, basically making it a very simple BFG #hobbyhealthy #ABillionSuns #OnePageRule
#hobbyhealthy #abillionsuns #onepagerule
Bit more Xenos Rampant today. Elites again, great at dishing out hits while taking little damage. My support infantry also brilliant at taking down large weak groups and even 1 elite when defending against attack. Zombies got the wooden spoon milled around 3 turns, then once in combat did no damage, then ran away. #xenosrampant #hobbyhealthy
Started some Xenos Rampant. Fun rules basics click quite easily, though may take me a while to get all the special rules #xenosrampant #hobbyhealthy
Below some Elite Infrantry (space marines) totally pummel some Militia rabble (cultists).
The space fleets are now done. #OnePageRule FTL and #ABillionSuns will be main things I use these for. It's been a fun little project that ive enjoyed planning and making.
Total cost for ships was £19 for the bits, which made 50 total ships on poles and bases. I still have plenty of bits for ships and the poles but did use all the 'bases' paint was £5 ish for the neon red and green. Black and primer I already had 🙂 round it up and £25 to £30 for 50 ships isn't bad in my book. #hobbyhealthy
#onepagerule #abillionsuns #hobbyhealthy
Bit more work on my two fleets for #OnePageRule FTL and #ABillionSuns pretty much just bases left to finish. Debating doing a clear varnish spray just to finish off as well #hobbyhealthy
#onepagerule #abillionsuns #hobbyhealthy
Started the production line on my two fleets for #ABillionSuns and #OnePageRule FTL games #hobbyhealthy
#abillionsuns #onepagerule #hobbyhealthy
Bit more work on my fleet. Have put together a Heavy Battleship and a test of medium frigate. Not happy with the frigate may change its 'tower' #ABillionSuns #OnePageRule #hobbyhealthy
#abillionsuns #onepagerule #hobbyhealthy
Part of my DIY fleet game set up. Got some cheap random bits. Tested some ideas out with what will represent 3 light cruisers and 2 fighter wing stands. #OnePageRule #hobbyhealthy #ABillionSuns
#onepagerule #hobbyhealthy #abillionsuns
Nice little side project for #Gaslands. Mad Max Fury Road? Never heard of it *whistles innocently* #hobbyhealthy