Shadow Sentinels with rocking that green. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
I only have 6 more harlequins to paint before my local tournament in a week. I planned to be further along but cat cone catastrophe means I haven’t painted in two weeks.
Should be able to wrap up this weekend, not going anywhere.
Avatar won’t be finished, but it’ll at least be table presentable.
Of course I’ll be happy if I win one game next week
#Warhammer40k #1HourANight #HobbyProgress #Eldar #Harlequins #SpaceElfMurderClowns
#warhammer40k #1houranight #hobbyprogress #eldar #harlequins #spaceelfmurderclowns
More work of the armour and some light glazing to try and tie things together more. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Skin tone and yet more little touch ups. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Fleshing out the more of the colours and adding some more highlights. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Making a start on the armour and throwing some glazes over a couple of colours I wasn't entirely happy with. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Don't know what to say about this. It's just a bit of progress. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Just a couple of quick additions this evening before movie night. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Making a start on the last Godtear champion I own, Finvarr. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
I am hot, clammy and tired so I fixed the blues and reds as I wasn't happy with either. #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Adding some detail highlights and making a start on the banner (I forgot it, oops). #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Laying down the undercoat for the red. #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Finally finished the crew for this Starweaver I started five years ago.
Two more Starweaver’s crew to go, two more Skyweaver’s crew to go.
Getting my 2k list ready for a tournament next month.
#Warhammer40k #WH40k #Harlequins #Eldar #1HourANight #HobbyProgress #SpaceElfClowns
#warhammer40k #wh40k #harlequins #eldar #1houranight #hobbyprogress #spaceelfclowns
Makeing a start on Lorsann's followers, the Mistwood Rangers. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Doing some touch ups and glazes leaving some small details and the base to finish. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Finishing laying down all the base colour... except the base, of course. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
I've decided my elves shall have blue skin. Just so the funniest of people can call them Smurfs. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Was a short session creating this wonderful autumn red with a glaze, so I could be ready for game night. Session got cancelled, but nevermind - this red is truly awesome. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Moving on to some green. Gonna go all autumn colours with this, hopefully. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress
Making a start on Lorsann from Godtear. After trying something new with yellow on my previous minis, I'm going to try for some NMM gold. #minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #steamforgedgames #hobbyprogress
#minipainting #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #paintingminiatures #wargames #hobbystreak #warmongers #godtear #SteamforgedGames #hobbyprogress