Minor Planner Update:
I have both the Aura Estelle Undated Complete Weekly and the Jibun Techo Complete 2024 in my hot little hands.
I like the Jibun Techo better.
This is not ideal, because the Jibun is not the same size as my planner kits. So I may be *selling* those planner kits, and relying not on washi and stickers instead. Because nobody makes Jibun Techo planner kits that I can see.
Plus I have Sept and the rest of Nov to get through in my Hobonichi.
New #Hobonichi stuff for 2024!
Does anyone else have a planner that they love?
Also curious to try out my #fountainpens on this new sanzen paper that’s in the A5 planner….
🌏 Con l'acquisto delle agende e delle cover Hobonichi Techo Mother 2024 ci saranno in regalo dei simpatici sticker riutilizzabili basati su EarthBound, resistenti all'acqua e alle intemperie!
#EarthBound #Mother2 #Mother3 #Hobonichi #Nintendo #マザー2 #ほぼ
#earthbound #mother2 #mother3 #hobonichi #nintendo #マザー2 #ほぼ
Related to my post yesterday and yearly planners, I just want to say that this year I used the Moo.com planner, wherein one must write all of your own dates. It has a lot of flexibility, with extra pages for notes throughout, is really well bound and lies flat, nice paper (but iffy for #FountainPens ), and I would have gotten another one, except for the fact that I need one with all 3 kinds of calendar, which the #hobonichi has. I would have gotten the Moo again, if I didn't find Hobonichi.
I just got my first Hobonichi planner, and it is exactly what I'd hoped for, given what I'd heard about it. I had to put it away until the time comes, but I'm pretty psyched about it.🖋️
Laughing at the posts and comments in the #hobonichi group about the copper banana hammer hahahaha
Ya es septiembre así que ya es el momento de mi crisis anual con qué agenda voy a usar el año que viene
#planners #BulletJournal #bujo #hobonichi
My day: a 3 mile run, fantasy football draft, a tasty red curry for dinner, and #hobonichi ordering at 10pm tonight. Oh, and some knitting, because of course there’s knitting.
It’s September #Hobonichi decorating day! The day when I bust out the #stickers. I’m going for a stationery and fall/mushrooms/woodsy theme for this month. Because October will be spooky, and that’s as long as Canadian autumn lasts anyway. 🤷♀️
Anyone who has used both a cousin and a cousin avec have any thoughts on which they liked better and why?
❗ Hobonichi presenta i nuovi calendari del Mother Project per il 2024 e questa volta saranno dedicati ai Mr. Saturn! In vendita da domani 1° settembre sullo store Hobonichi in due formati.
📷: Hobonichi Mother Project
#EarthBound #Mother2 #Mother3 #Hobonichi #Nintendo #マザー2 #ほぼ日
#earthbound #mother2 #mother3 #hobonichi #nintendo #マザー2 #ほぼ日
It's already been a few years since I've seen a #hobonichiweeks cover design that I like... Even the Collaboration Editions are boring (to me)... #hobonichi
🌏 Alcuni scatti dalla mostra Street of Mother!
Da qualche giorno la prima tappa della mostra ha aperto al pubblico a Nagoya. L'imponente statua dello Starman è ancora centrale nell'installazione!
📸 Hobonichi, Loft Nagoya
#earthbound #mother2 #mother3 #hobonichi #nintendo
It's #hobonichi #techo preview season yet again
The store exclusive bonus this year is those tiny ass tote bags they look adorable ngl 🛍
You only get one of 4 randomly tho, so I'm gonna pray the gacha gods for the pretzel design 👌
Hobonichi's marketing photos are always bangers imo, even for simple stuff like a small cloth bag, it's kinda impressive.
I love how Teranishi Guitar Opera Rose ink looks in the cream colored paper of the #hobonichi weeks! I like using my Pilot Custom 743 <FA> #fountainpen for this ink to fully enjoy the shading 😍 it makes me so happy! A truly unique ink in my collection.
What's in my backpack for a weekend away:
Along with my laptop, 1 pencilcase full of #FountainPens pens, 2 #notebooks ( for #journalling and the other for work), 2 #hobonichi #techo #planner A6 and Weeks
Tell me I'm not alone!!!! Sometimes I feel a little crazy😂
#fountainpens #notebooks #journalling #hobonichi #techo #planner
🌏 Street of Mother di nuovo in Giappone!
A partire dal prossimo 4 agosto Hobonichi porterà la mostra "Street of Mother" in molte località giapponesi: Nagoya, Ikebukuro, Sendai, Toyama, Shibuya, Umeda, Sapporo e infine Hiroshima che vedrà l'ultima tappa di novembre.
❗ Molte delle novità in vendita la scorsa primavera come lo skateboard e lo yo-yo di Ness saranno nuovamente disponibili anche online.
#earthbound #mother2 #mother3 #hobonichi #nintendo