Favourite fandom types: currently into #ThaiBL like #BeMyFavorite #OnlyFriends #MySchoolPresident but I'll always be #RPF trash - I'm into many #gmmtv ships and also #MileApo and ALSO just got back into #hockeyRPF so
Shipping, gen, other: often shippy, frequently multi-shipping and moresome-shipping
Do you create fanworks: yes, mostly fic, sometimes podfic, and rarely other transformative works
Comfortable with NSFW: very, the kinkier and smuttier the better lol
#fandomfriendingmeme #thaibl #bemyfavorite #onlyfriends #myschoolpresident #RPF #gmmtv #mileapo #hockeyrpf
It’s the year of our lord 2022 and I’m here having feelings about hockey players and their adorable kids and their incredible Extra friendships and I just want Sid and Geno to be happy and win stuff together forever! 😭😭
#hockey #hockeyrpf #PittsburghPenguins