Should the Maple Leafs make this trade? #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #brodie #BrodieTrade #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #LeafsTrade #MapleLeafTrade #MapleLeafTradeRumours #MapleLeafsTradeNews #MapleLeafsTradeNews/tradeTalk! #MapleLeafsTradeNews/tradeTalk!Matthews #MapleLeafsTradeRumors #MatthewsTrade #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #nylander #NylanderTrade #TorontoMapleLeafs
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #brodie #brodietrade #easternconference #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #leafstrade #mapleleaftrade #mapleleaftraderumours #mapleleafstradenews #mapleleafstraderumors #matthewstrade #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #nylander #nylandertrade #torontomapleleafs Maple Leafs sign Martin Jones! #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #LeafsHighlights #LeafsSignMartinJones #LeafsTrade #LeafsTradeTalk #leafsforever #MapleLeafs #MapleLeafsSignMartinJones #MartinJones #MartinJonesHighlights #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #tmltalk #TorontoMapleLeafs #TorontoMapleLeafsHighlights #TorontoMapleLeafsRumors #TorontoMapleLeafsRumours
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #easternconference #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #leafshighlights #leafssignmartinjones #leafstrade #leafstradetalk #leafsforever #mapleleafs #mapleleafssignmartinjones #martinjones #martinjoneshighlights #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #tmltalk #torontomapleleafs #torontomapleleafshighlights #torontomapleleafsrumors #torontomapleleafsrumours Could the Maple Leafs and Flames make a massive trade? #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #CalgaryFlamesTrade #CouldTheMapleLeafsAndFlamesMakeAMassiveTrade? #EasternConference #EliasLindholmTrade #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #MapleLeafs #MapleLeafsTradeRumors #MapleLeafsTradeRumours #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #NoahHanafinTrade #TorontoMapleLeafs #WilliamNylanderTrade
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #calgaryflamestrade #couldthemapleleafsandflamesmakeamassivetrade #easternconference #eliaslindholmtrade #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #mapleleafs #mapleleafstraderumors #mapleleafstraderumours #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #noahhanafintrade #torontomapleleafs #williamnylandertrade Maple Leafs trade talk live! #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #LeafsTrade #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #TorontoMapleLeafs #TorontoMapleLeafsRumors #TorontoMapleLeafsRumours
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #easternconference #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #leafstrade #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #torontomapleleafs #torontomapleleafsrumors #torontomapleleafsrumours Maple Leafs trade talk! Murray, Robertson, Brodie, Nylander #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #TorontoMapleLeafs
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #easternconference #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #torontomapleleafs Anaheim Ducks Adidas 30th Anniversary Jersey #America #AnaheimDucks #AnaheimDucks30thAnniversaryJersey #AnaheimDucksJersey #canada #Canadians #Entertainment #hockey #HockeyJerseys #HockeyLogos #HockeyTalk #Logos #NHL #NhlAdidasJersey #NhlJerseys #PacificDivision #usa #WesternConference
#america #anaheimducks #anaheimducks30thanniversaryjersey #anaheimducksjersey #canada #canadians #entertainment #hockey #hockeyjerseys #hockeylogos #hockeytalk #logos #nhl #nhladidasjersey #nhljerseys #pacificdivision #usa #westernconference Maple Leafs trade talk! Whats next? #AndrewPiluk #AndrewPilukHockey #AndrewPilukSports #AtlanticDivision #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyTalk #HockeyTrade #LeafsTrade #MapleLeafsTradeTalk #MapleLeafsTradeTalk!WhatsNext? #MaxDomi #NHL #NhlRumor #NhlRumors #NhlRumour #NHLTrades #NhlVideos #TorontoMapleLeafs #TorontoMapleLeafsTradeRumors #TORONTOMapleLeafsTradeRumours #TylerBertuzzi
#andrewpiluk #andrewpilukhockey #andrewpiluksports #atlanticdivision #easternconference #hockey #hockeytalk #hockeytrade #leafstrade #mapleleafstradetalk #maxdomi #nhl #nhlrumor #nhlrumors #nhlrumour #nhltrades #nhlvideos #torontomapleleafs #torontomapleleafstraderumors #torontomapleleafstraderumours #tylerbertuzzi
Hi, I'm KO4FZG, a ham from USA. My hobbies include Amateur Radio, Gaming, Hockey, Cats, and anything marijuana related.
I got my Tech 8/7/2020 and General 2/2/2022
Icom 7300, Xiegu G90, QYT 8900D, Beofengs.
I mostly hangout in digital modes like FT8.
Hope to do my first #pota here shortly.
Thank you, everyone. Look forward to hanging out.
#ham #hamradio #ft8 #cats #gaming #hockey #marijuana #weed #hockeytalk #cat #intro
#intro #cat #hockeytalk #weed #marijuana #hockey #gaming #cats #ft8 #hamradio #ham #pota #introduction
So anti LGBTQ+ Icon and Putin Orthodox activist Ivan Provorov now has the power to influence other #NHL franchises like the #NYR decisions to shelve #Pride outreach initiatives. #Diversity huh? #HockeyTalk
#nhl #nyr #pride #diversity #hockeytalk
@sportsnet Healthy scratched hockey players shouldn't be controversial it should be welcomed in a time when entitled millionaires aren't held accountable the way average folks are, so there you go. Boo hoo. There's other things to cry about. #NHL #HockeyTalk
Jordan Kyrou has been showing us the razzle dazzle for some time; can he work that into being a 100-point player? We discuss that and more on this very Merry edition of the longest-running #stlblues podcast! #nhl #hockeytalk
I record episode 307 of our Black N’ Gold Hockey Podcast tomorrow mid day so if any Boston Bruins fans want us to discuss a certain topic or have a question, please let us know and we’ll do our best to answer on our weekly program.
We also have a BNG Listener Hotline if you’d like to call in. Please call 978-504-2727.
#nhlbruins #BostonBruins #boston #bruins #bruinstalk #bruinsfam #nhl #hockey #hockeytalk
#nhlbruins #bostonbruins #boston #bruins #bruinstalk #bruinsfam #nhl #hockey #hockeytalk