Chris Record - HODL GANG - Bitcoin Rap Remix #hodlgang
NEW: 70% of all #Bitcoin is now in profit. 🙌
Hi folks! I thought I'd take some time to make an #introduction post! My name is Kathryn, and I'm a #crypto and #web3 enthusiast with a passion for #disruption!
Looking to mint an #NFT? I run a distributed blockchain webhost with #cheapgas!
Find me at CoinMarketcap/$KaythrynYu/inbox
#introduction #Crypto #web3 #disruption #btc #etc #xrp #busd #nft #cheapgas #hodlgang
The dollar is dead, end the fed, crypto is the freedom of the unbanked, #hodlgang,
Debe! How are you going to make a living?
Debe: 💎👐 🚀🚀🚀🚀 #hodlgang