Yes we can! 🙃
RT @coolbutuseless #Mastodon #Rant
I don't need mastodon to be identical to twitter, and I like the fediverse concept, but it really frackin annoys me that:
1. I can't do a quote tweet because people think that QTs create toxicity. (#hogwash)
2. Using android official app, Clicking a link to a toot on another instance takes you out of the app and into the web browser!! WTF?! How can it not just display in the app??
I'm open to suggestions on a great android mastodon client!
I don't need mastodon to be identical to twitter, and I like the fediverse concept, but it really frackin annoys me that:
1. I can't do a quote tweet because people think that QTs create toxicity. (#hogwash)
2. Using android official app, Clicking a link to a toot on another instance takes you out of the app and into the web browser!! WTF?! How can it not just display in the app??
I'm open to suggestions on a great android mastodon client!
In #danmark we talk about fired;is this #recession ?!?always people been very good at what they do;so then maybe what people feels become a little insecure about they work for second time after #economicrisis is #hogwash ?is hogwash!as someone who's seen actual hogwash,I can assure you that it's not! #vday
#danmark #recession #economicrisis #hogwash #vday
@ShahabBakht one day I will write that critique of most mainstream quasi-geometric modes of analysis that are basically #hogwash eg. #RSA and that ilk
Please tell me this "rumor" of Elon buying Google is hogwash. God please let it be hogwash.
*Update: it's #hogwash
Complaints about lack of free text search on Mastodon are #hogwash. Retrain yourselves. #FuckElon. #TwitterMigration
#twittermigration #FuckElon #hogwash
@allenholub @sobes There's no evidence backing up MBTI whatever. Which makes me sad about the rather nice-sounding theory that the #AYEConf folks built on top of it.
The best that can be said about MBTI is that at least it isn't problematic and destructive, the way that DiSC is.
Screenshot Saturday Sundays: brilliant body language, desert driving, and plant-based propaganda - #VoraciousGames #PhosDigital #PCGameNews #Hogwash #BitKid
#voraciousgames #phosdigital #pcgamenews #hogwash #bitkid