When the #BigBrother25 Live Feeds came back after Thursday's live show, #HOH Cameron was talking to Bowie Jane. He seemed to be sticking to Legend 25 & his prior plan but his sarcasm makes it seem he's planning something else. 3rd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT824dJTu/
You can also judge if it’s real or not as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/uc-5Sfkt8rM?si=BanDxCCe7v4RMvW6
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw8VHZxRlL-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBCameron #BBBowieJane #BBLF #Entertainment
#entertainment #bblf #bbbowiejane #bbcameron #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bigbrother #bb25 #hoh #bigbrother25
Moments after almost everyone on #BigBrother25 blindsided #BBCameron by evicting Red, their worst-case scenario happened & he won #HOH! They had a hard time even pretending to be happy for him, except effing Bowie Jane. 1st TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82Cbgkt/
You can also relive the awkward moment as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/dM3nWNFzF3Y?si=slPLuPSKuaqerLiw
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw7279rr89p/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #Cirie #CirieFields #Entertainment
#entertainment #ciriefields #cirie #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bigbrother #bb25 #hoh #bbcameron #bigbrother25
Big Brother 25 Felicia was the HOH but she knew how to handle Hisam — just let him believe he’s the brains of the operation. Which he already thought, right! 1st TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FfshoN/
You can also see Felicia let Hisam be Hisam as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/gYNnO2MR5YU?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwQFbQ2gcHG/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother25 #BigBrother #BB #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBFelicia #BBHisam #HOH
#entertainment #hoh #bbhisam #bbfelicia #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb #bigbrother #bigbrother25 #bb25
https://www.lovenba.com/1134043/ The reality of pool basketball 😩😂 (via thepointerbrothers_/TT) #shorts #Basketball #BasketballVideos #Friends #fyp #GetTired #hoh #HouseOfHighlights #HowFastPoolBasketballGetsOutOfHand #intense #OutOfHand #pool #Shorts #TheRealityOfPoolBasketball #water #wet
#shorts #basketball #basketballvideos #friends #fyp #gettired #hoh #houseofhighlights #howfastpoolbasketballgetsoutofhand #intense #outofhand #pool #therealityofpoolbasketball #water #wet
Felicia won #BigBrother #HOH & Hisam comes to congratulate her, excited because he believes they’re still all one big happy alliance family. He has no idea they plan to backdoor him out of the game! 2nd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FRxp4r/
You can also see Hisam celebrate his own likely impending doom as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/XRZor8fgS4w?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwIkBEngDF7/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother25 #BB #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBHisam #BBFelicia #Entertainment
#entertainment #bbfelicia #bbhisam #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb #bigbrother25 #bb25 #hoh #bigbrother
After HOH Hisam made his Big Brother 25 nominations, he was SO proud of himself and even patted himself on the back in the Diary Room. So much ego from a guy who thinks he’s playing a winning game. 😖 1st TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8NWfbUp/
You can also see Hisam’s massive overconfidence as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/zYMp2tjrqrY?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwDMFF6sPnX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother25 #BigBrother #BB #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBHisam #HOH #Entertainment
#entertainment #hoh #bbhisam #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb #bigbrother #bigbrother25 #bb25
#BigBrother25 #HOH #BBHisam told #Cirie & #BBFelicia how important it was to ensure #BBReilly would be evicted. He even said if she stayed, he might quit! Meanwhile, players were secretly debating whether they should indeed keep her! 2nd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8NbEgFY/
You can also see this as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/t2CbhDD6HhA?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwA3yndAj2o/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother #BB #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TVShow #TV #BBLF #BBHisam #BBCirie #CirieFields #Entertainment
#entertainment #ciriefields #bbcirie #bblf #tv #tvshow #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb #bigbrother #bb25 #bbreilly #bbfelicia #cirie #bbhisam #hoh #bigbrother25
https://www.lovenba.com/1129861/ Pau Gasol talks about Kobe – Full Basketball Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech #Basketball #BasketballVideos #fyp #hoh #HouseOfHighlights #Shorts
#basketball #basketballvideos #fyp #hoh #houseofhighlights #shorts
https://www.lovenba.com/1129815/ Tony Parker – Full Basketball Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech #Basketball #BasketballVideos #fyp #hoh #HouseOfHighlights #Shorts
#basketball #basketballvideos #fyp #hoh #houseofhighlights #shorts
#SFBART, #CalTrain, #Amtrak, #vta, #sfmuni, etc., all could do so much better at supporting #hardofhearing folk. the emphasis is on communicating via sound, to include #visuallyimpaired folx but the HoH facilities are at best poor--including the broken, unmaintained systems.
Improving #HoH accomodation would also benefit #actuallyautistic folx who must use hearing protection on trains, buses, & at stations.
#actuallyautistic #hoh #visuallyimpaired #hardofhearing #sfmuni #vta #amtrak #Caltrain #sfbart
Reilly wanted the power of the 1st #BigBrother25 #HOH but also said it’s difficult to go against people she likes — after ~2 days. Could be a danger sign & we’re already seeing issues. 3rd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Ltx6DS/
You can also see Reilly explaining as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/j_yx8jIE0r0?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvslycogDFb/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB25 #BigBrother #BB #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #PlayTheGame #EmotionalGame #Strategy #StrategyGame #StrategyGames #BBLF #Entertainment
#entertainment #bblf #strategygames #strategygame #strategy #emotionalgame #playthegame #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb #bigbrother #bb25 #hoh #bigbrother25
@gyokusai The closed captions quality on GO2 really is horrid
#hoh #hardofhearing #deaf #deafawareness #hearingloss
https://www.lovenba.com/1119950/ TEAM JIDION VS TEAM MARK 5V5 BASKETBALL GAME! #Basketball #BasketballVideos #fyp #hoh #HouseOfHighlights #Shorts
#basketball #basketballvideos #fyp #hoh #houseofhighlights #shorts
When making video media, stop fucking censoring your captions when you don't censor your voice. It is unbelievably shitty to #Deaf and #HoH communities and just generally horrific #accessibility practices.
I don't give a fuck about your video being demonitized. I don't care about your video being hidden. If you say "fuck" your captions should say "fuck", not "fudge" or "frick". If you can't do this extremely simple thing, don't swear or don't make it, I guarantee your video is not that important.
It is such a simple thing to do. People who rely on captions shouldn't get your censored information just because you care about them so little that the pennies you'll get from YouTube are more important than accessibility as a whole.
Pictures popping up of all the fun stuff we did last summer: camping & a wedding in the #Wallowas, swimming in #DiabloLake, hiking at #OilCity to swim where the #Hoh River meets the Pacific Ocean. Staying at my brothers rustic off-grid cabin on a cliff above the ocean. Bike rides and daily pool swimming. Spending time with cousins. Visiting friends in Juneau to renew my driver’s license. I feel like I’ve aged a lifetime since then. This year has contained too many traumas.
#wallowas #diablolake #oilcity #hoh
https://www.lovenba.com/1103368/ Victor Wembanyama Talks Summer League Debut, Postgame Interview 🎤 #CharlotteHornets #EasternConference #FullGameHighlights #fyp #hoh #HornetsVsSpurs #HornetsVsSpurs2023 #HornetsVsSpursFullGameHighlights #HornetsVsSpursHighlights #HornetsVsSpursSummerLeague #HouseOfHighlights #LongFullGameHighlights #NBA #NbaFullGameHighlights #NBASeason #NbaSummerLeague #NbaSummerLeague2023 #Shorts #SoutheastDivision
#charlottehornets #easternconference #fullgamehighlights #fyp #hoh #hornetsvsspurs #hornetsvsspurs2023 #hornetsvsspursfullgamehighlights #hornetsvsspurshighlights #hornetsvsspurssummerleague #houseofhighlights #longfullgamehighlights #nba #nbafullgamehighlights #nbaseason #nbasummerleague #nbasummerleague2023 #shorts #southeastdivision
It's been a while, like over a decade, since I got new hearing aids. I guess the tech has advanced some.
Example: I was stunned when my new ❤️ audi ❤️ told me that my new hearing aids will be rechargeable.
Lol. Wait... Wut?
HA batteries are worse than cigarettes. You have them stashed everywhere in case of "emergencies"! You don't leave the house unless you got extra batteries. You clip coupons for them, you buy them in bulk. They live forever in your freezer but can also randomly be found in diaper poop or in a litter box. Weird, right?
OMG! No more freaking tiny little batteries! I can get rid of my "Battery Operated" tee!
Effing-A great day!!!
I really hope @rubyconf has ASL interpreters at all 3 days of the conference (all talks and workshops), and I really really hope they add ASL interpreters to the videos afterwards.
I know, I should have advocated for this long before I was deaf... Now it is super important to me, and probably to so many other #deaf and #HoH and #ASL folks.
I’m back on the boards, tonight, in Mother of the Maid, WITH ASL INTERPRETATION! (tonight only)
Note that in order to make it more accessible to our audiences, we do not speak French in this production. (And I do not speak with a bloody English accent!!!)
Join us at 7:30 PM at Ground Floor Theatre Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night, or at 2:30 PM on Sunday. (We close on May 6.)
Details: https://www.danielnortonactor.com/2023-02-03-mother-of-the-maid/
#ASL #theatre #ATXtheatre #TXtheatre #HoH #HardOfHearing #deaf
#asl #theatre #atxtheatre #txtheatre #hoh #hardofhearing #deaf