@composers @contemporarymusic @mcmullin
I don’t “compose music” so much as “write songs.”
what I write *mostly* fall into the genres #HotJass, #hokum, and #novelty. but I wander about in styles that would probably be accurately described as #folk and occasionally #ragtime raises its syncopated head.
mostly I try to live by Duke Ellington’s theory that there’s only 2 kinds of music, good music and bad music. hell with genres, I just try to write good music. sometimes I succeed.
#hotjass #hokum #novelty #folk #ragtime
I often speak of my band, Snake Suspenderz. here we are, playing on an odd, portable stage, for one of the small “satellite performances” of the Moisture Festival. the pic is from August, 2016 and was taken by James McDaniel.
details, even the sad ones, are in the picture description.
damn I miss playing with these people.
#music #HotJass #Hokum #novelty #ukulele #tuba #drums #guitar #trombone
#music #hotjass #hokum #novelty #ukulele #tuba #drums #guitar #trombone
Carlos Castaneda died OTD in 1998 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/ghostbusters/?s=mb #paranormal #hokum
intro post for musicians.today, take 2.
I’m currently 64 (that’ll change, eh?) and somewhat stuck in Kalamazoo.
* main axe (hatchet really) is #ukulele
* pick a bit of #guitar
* blow the #harmonica
* working on my. #drum chops
* about a dozen more with some facility.
I like #jazz, #hokum, and #novelty best. I write songs. I like to busk as much as KZoo allows me to. House concerts excite me.
I love it when folks occasionally buy me a cup of coffee.
#ukulele #guitar #Harmonica #drum #jazz #hokum #novelty
I think it’s about time I do my #introduction post for the nice folk here on @musicians.today.
I’m currently 64 years old and somewhat stuck in Kalamazoo.
* main axe (hatchet, really) is #ukulele
* pick a bit on #guitar
* blow the #harmonica
* working on my #drum chops
* another dozen or so things to some degree.
I like #jazz, #hokum, and #novelty best. I write songs and busk as much. as KZoo allows me. I’d love it if you’d buy me an occasional cup of coffee.
#introduction #ukulele #guitar #Harmonica #drum #jazz #hokum #novelty
Thankfully, today's #earworm is far less offensive:
#earworm #alduvall #hokum #innuendo #puns #vaudeville
someone suggested occasionally posting 5 to 7 hashtags of things you enjoy that aren’t necessarily in your profile. so, leave us start with a small sampling of the kinds of music I like.
#jazz (especially old #hotjazz)
#blues (all sorts)
#hokum (sorta ragtimey and often with “naughty” lyrics)
#jugband (British folk would call this #skiffle)
#junkmusic (music played on things that aren’t actually musical instruments. the washboard I played with a number of bands fits in here.)
#junkmusic #skiffle #jugband #hokum #blues #hotjazz #Jazz