Holacracy - The Dystopia Behind the Utopia🌴
A critical look at holacracy and why it might not be the ideal solution for every company.
If your employees can already contribute, there is no need for Holacracy. However, if the employees cannot contribute, Holacracy will also not be able to save anything as you have the wrong mindset.
#Holacracy #OrganizationalStructure #Agility #Management #Leadership #Employee #Bureaucracy #BusinessStrategy
#holacracy #organizationalstructure #agility #management #leadership #employee #bureaucracy #BusinessStrategy
Do you make money decisions together in your organization?
Don't miss this ⬇️⬇️
#selfmanagement #selfgovernance #newHR #newPay #DAO #DecentralizeEverything #sociocracy #holacracy #reinventingorganizationsl #tealorgs #coop
#selfmanagement #selfgovernance #newhr #newpay #dao #decentralizeeverything #sociocracy #holacracy #reinventingorganizationsl #tealorgs #coop
Hoe is jullie dag? De mijne startte met deze Out of Office reply, "Fijne collega, ik ben aan het genieten van een welverdiende vakantie en lees uiteraard mijn mails niet. Check in #Holacracy [google it and cry, ND] wie je in mijn afwezigheid het beste kunt benaderen." Nu zoek ik vergetelheid in ultra-sterke koffie.
Human + equitable workplaces + decentralized + resilient organizations + sustainable + collective processes for shared agency and collaboration.
#sociocracy #socent #socinn #dao #holacracy #orgdev #orgdesign https://t.co/jgvM2OfdnN
#sociocracy #socent #socinn #dao #holacracy #orgdev #orgdesign
If you call #agility (20yrs old), #holacracy (10 yrs old) and #sociocraty (over 100 yrs old) "trendy" and "zeitgeist", it might be you.. 🤓
#agility #holacracy #sociocraty
Join Shala Massey and Ted Rau in Massachusetts this fall - it looks cozy and rewarding.
Plus a chance to get a sociocracy certification!
#sociocracy #futureofwork #orgdesign #orgdev #holacracy #socinn
#sociocracy #futureofwork #orgdesign #orgdev #holacracy #socinn
Join our DevOps Meetup Zurich on 28.06.2023 from 17:30 to 20:30 at Digicomp and discuss with Franziska Hoberg and Marco Fretz how Self-organization works in practice.
👉 registration: https://meetup.com/devops-meetup-zurich/events/293928353
#devops #selforganization #holacracy #sociocracy #meetup
Here @nielspflaeging contrasts #AgileScaling, the so-called #SpotifyModel and #orgdesign approaches with #BetaCodex and decentralization! (Highlight from the #5YearsOfOpenSpaceBeta anniversary event)
#cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #MatrixStructures #holacracy #sociocracy #betacodex #lean #leantransformation #transformation #orgphysics
#agilescaling #spotifymodel #orgdesign #betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #matrixstructures #holacracy #sociocracy #Lean #leantransformation #transformation #OrgPhysics
#OrgDesign and #OrgDev stuff that does not work and cannot work:
#AgileScaling (including #SAFe, #Unfix, LeSS, SaS)
What works:
Why? Because, different than all others, it "gets" #decentralization
#orgdesign #orgdev #matrixstructures #spotifymodel #businessunits #profitcenters #sociocracy #holacracy #agilescaling #safe #unfix #okrs #sharedservices #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #betacodex
In a moderated fishbowl, we will get to the bottom of this question. The format offers the opportunity for people from the community to contribute their own questions and experiences.
🤔Interested? Then join our DevOps Meetup Zurich on 28.06.2023 from 17:30 to 20:30 at Digicomp Academy Limmatstrasse 50, Zürich Switzerland and discuss with Franziska Hoberg and Marco Fretz how Self-organization works in practice.
👉 register here: https://www.meetup.com/devops-meetup-zurich/events/293928353
#devops #selforganization #holacracy
@Gerhard_Schroeder @DoSchu
Ja, und mit Kapiteln zu
"Agilität, #DesignThinking, #Holacracy, #HybridWork, Kanban, #lernOS, #LiberatingStructures, New Work, Onlinewhiteboards, Remote Onboarding, Scrum, Workation u.a. "
wenn ich das richtig verstehe in Form einer Story. 🤩
Da bin ich mal gespannt.
Ich habe mir das eBook gleich mal bestellt.
#designthinking #holacracy #hybridwork #lernos #liberatingstructures
If you want to join the upcoming cohort, please hurry up so we can onboard you well before jumping in!
#leadership #sociocracy #holacracy #futureofwork https://t.co/TaxLaZUNRk
#leadership #sociocracy #holacracy #futureofwork
Neues Buch von Kühl: Schattenorganisation. Agiles Management und ungewollte Bürokratisierung
So sehr ich Kühl schätze: eine hyberformalisierte Organisationsform - Holacracy - zu nehmen um zu beweisen, dass agile Organisationsformen tendentiell überformalisiert sind, halte ich logisch für recht fragwürdig.
Zumal: #Holacracy als #agile Organisationsform zu klassifizieren ist mindestens sehr umstritten und würde ich auch nicht mitgehen.
#orgdev #organisationsentwicklung
#organisationsentwicklung #orgdev #agile #holacracy
A very interesting read on #holacracy does it really work? https://hbr.org/2017/03/case-study-is-holacracy-for-us
Hallo liebe Klimabubble.
Kennt ihr schon die MeetingModerationsmethoden Liberating Structures? https://liberatingstructures.de/
Ich hab davon jetzt schon einige ausprobiert und finde sie echt stark!
Welche kennt ihr?
Welche würdet ihr gerne als nächstes ausprobieren?
#KlimaKrise #klima #KlimaWandel #KlimaKatastrophe
#plenum #meeting #selbstorganisation #sos #holacracy #holocracy #soziokratie #sociocracy #moderation #facilitation
#liberatingstructures #KlimaKrise #Klima #KlimaWandel #KlimaKatastrophe #plenum #meeting #selbstorganisation #sos #holacracy #holocracy #soziokratie #sociocracy #moderation #facilitation
Wer schon immer mein Lieblings-Meetingformat ausprobieren wollte: Hier eine Anleitung für das Governance Meeting. #holacracy Grüße und Dank an @julianeroell :)
Do you use sociocracy, or parts of it?
Take the quiz and see how your organization scores in different areas of culture and decision-making!
#socent #nonprofit #coop #socinn #futureofwork #facilitation #sociocracy #holacracy #selfmanagement https://t.co/rik6CyoxsM
#socent #nonprofit #coop #socinn #futureofwork #facilitation #sociocracy #holacracy #selfmanagement
Today we posted a blog about #holacracy and #IAM / #RBAC. There are some challenges in managing authorizations in non-hierarchical environments. We are working on solving some of these issues, but we're not done yet. Anyway, enjoy the read!
#idpro #digitalidentity #infosec
#holacracy #IAM #rbac #IDPro #digitalidentity #infosec
Today we posted a blog about #holacracy and #IAM / #RBAC. There are some challenges in managing authorizations in non-hierarchical environments. We are working on solving some of these issues, but we're not done yet. Anyway, enjoy the read!
#idpro #digitalidentity
#holacracy #IAM #rbac #IDPro #digitalidentity
Tomorrow! Free info sessions on how to build organizations that include many voices... many small groups make light work!
#teamwork #betterwork #newwork #sociocracy #holacracy #socinn
#teamwork #betterwork #newwork #sociocracy #holacracy #socinn