Baking a 2Lb/1Kg loaf today using Holdfast wheat. I left the bran etc in this time when I milled it. The first rise is something else: "leave to rise until doubled in size" 😱
#breadmaking #mockmill100 #holdfast
The recipe below is for my next sourdough loaves which I will start tomorrow evening. I have added 50% of my home milled flour into my recipe which includes some cracked Emmer wheat. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. A slightly higher water content to allow for the extra wholemeal flour.
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #colorado #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #emmer #holdfast #lemon #lemonzest
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #colorado #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #emmer #holdfast #lemon #lemonzest
Sourdough naans using the recipe below but laminated with black pepper and chopped coriander leaves. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest #naans #indian
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest #naans #indian
The recipe below is for my next sourdough which I will bake next week.This time I have added 50% of my home milled flour into my recipe which includes some cracked Spelt wheat. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Scalding and using olive oil makes a lighter, spongier loaf. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #Alaskan #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
The recipe below is for my next sourdough which I will bake later in the week. This time I have added 40% scalded home milled flour into my recipe and scalded cracked Spelt wheat. Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Scalding and using olive oil makes a lighter, spongier loaf. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #tartine #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #tartine #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast #crackedwheat #lemon #lemonzest
The recipe below is for my next bake. This time I have added 40% home milled flour into my recipe (with some of it coarsely milled). Use any sourdough starter for this recipe and use any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Scalding and using olive oil makes a lighter, spongier loaf. #sourdough #bread #breadposting #rye #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #rye #recipe #sourdoughrecipe #flour #milling #canadian #spelt #holdfast
Tom is now listening to Time
I CANNOT BELIEVE I got this achievement in Holdfast last night!
I usually play as a musician, honestly. To have managed to get so many kills *period* shocks me, but this is just as Russian Infantry!
"Hold Fast"
Mary Engelbreit print of young blonde child on a swan's back. The picture is done in shades of yellow and pink.
I wish I could add the alt text properly. I hope what I typed above is enough for visually impaired friends.
A Kelp holdfast (seaweed roots) still clinging to a boulder, which has been tossed above the tide line by recent rough weather. County Clare, Ireland. Walking tours
#wildatlanticway #walkingtours #discoverireland #keepdiscovering #failteireland #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #marinelife #biodiversity #nature #seaweed #holdfast #Ireland #irelandtravel
#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #failteireland #shorefinds #lowtidetreasures #marinelife #biodiversity #nature #seaweed #holdfast #ireland #irelandtravel
Crumb shots of my multi seeded (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and linseed - 30g total) sourdough using a rye starter, 20% scalded home milled Holdfast flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil, lemon zest and very strong Canadian white flour. I have altered my oven temperatures from 22 minutes with the lid on and 22 minutes with the lid off at 220°C to 240°C lid on for 20 minutes and lid off for 22 minutes @ 220°C. #sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
#sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
Fresh out of the oven - Multi seeded (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and linseed - 30g total) sourdough using a rye starter, 20% scalded home milled Holdfast flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil, lemon zest and very strong Canadian white flour. I have altered my oven temperatures from 22 minutes with the lid on and 22 minutes with the lid off at 220°C to 240°C lid on for 20 minutes and lid off for 22 minutes @ 220°C. #sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
#sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
After 5.5hrs in the fridge @ 7°C - Multi seeded (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and linseed - 30g total) sourdough using a rye starter, 20% scalded home milled Holdfast flour (using a Mockmill 100) 6% olive oil, lemon zest and very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
#sourdough #holdfast #breadposting #rye #bread #canada
@JackBandit I feel like what would be true during any other time in history is just not going to be as applicable going forward. This winter looks like the great chaos in pretty much every country but 5 eyes. This is a '4th Turning/Great Reset/Fill-in-the-blank-Paradigm-Shift'
In the face of these challenges, I see America retrenching into some Conservative morality and riding out the Storm before the Calm. America has been reminded who she is. Let's hope it's enough to #HoldFast
The #Night is darkening round me,
The #Wild #Winds coldly blow;
But a tyrant #Spell has bound me
And I #Cannot, cannot go.
The giant #Trees are bending
Their bare #Boughs weighed with #Snow.
And the #Storm is fast descending,
And yet I cannot go.
Clouds beyond #Clouds above me,
Wastes beyond wastes below;
But nothing #Drear can move me;
I will not, cannot go.
- Emily #Brontë, #English #Novelist & #Poet, #Spellbound
#Poetry #Poem #Writer #Woodland #Forest
#Trapped #Stuck #HoldFast #Captive
#night #wild #winds #Spell #cannot #trees #boughs #snow #storm #clouds #drear #bronte #english #novelist #poet #spellbound #poetry #poem #writer #woodland #forest #trapped #stuck #holdfast #captive