Did some #LoFi #Photography a couple of evenings ago in #London. Quite a grainy #BlackAndWhite shot of a #ChristmasTree with some #ChristmasLights suspending over the street.
Shot at #WaterlooPlace with #Holga120GCFN, #IlfordDelta3200.
#MediumFormat #ToyCamera #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Holga #Ilford #FilmPhotography #AnaloguePhotography #Christmas #Festive #December #Winter #Travel #TravelPhotography #TravelDestination #BelieveInFilm #FilmIsNotDead
#lofi #photography #london #BlackAndWhite #christmastree #christmaslights #waterlooplace #holga120gcfn #ilforddelta3200 #mediumformat #toycamera #blackandwhitephotography #holga #ilford #filmphotography #analoguephotography #christmas #festive #december #winter #travel #travelphotography #traveldestination #believeinfilm #filmisnotdead
Did some #LoFi #Photography a couple of evenings ago in #London, snapping this grainy #BlackAndWhite photo of a #ChristmasTree with some #ChristmasLights suspending over the street.
Shot at #WaterlooPlace with a #Holga120GCFN loaded with #IlfordDelta3200.
#MediumFormat #ToyCamera #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Holga #Ilford #FilmPhotography #AnaloguePhotography #Christmas #Festive #December #Winter
#lofi #photography #london #BlackAndWhite #christmastree #christmaslights #waterlooplace #holga120gcfn #ilforddelta3200 #mediumformat #toycamera #blackandwhitephotography #holga #ilford #filmphotography #analoguephotography #christmas #festive #december #winter
I’m currently planning a new #Photography project - I’m planning a new #Photobook, but I’m legit seriously thinking of using a #Holga120GCFN as the camera to capture all my shots for this project…
I have a Sony A7R IV… I have a Leica M10-R… I have a Leica M Monochrom Typ 246… but of all the toys I have, I’m actually seriously thinking about using the #Holga! Oh… and also maybe the Diana F+ as backup too.
#photography #photobook #holga120gcfn #holga