From @Shelflove (on twitter):
"Lots of folks are having a rough year - please consider buying a gift for someone in the romance community who could use your help.
Your gift will help someone (or someones) feel hope and care in a world that can use more of both.
Please share!"
Just a note to remind everyone that the romance #HolidayFairies #MutualAid effort is still going. It's already a really hard winter in the Northern Hemisphere; anything you can do for folks (in this list or around you) in these waning days of 2022 will doubtless be deeply appreciated.
More details here:
Wishlists here:
Go forth, do something good for someone today.
I have updated this post, as some of the goals have been reached, while other crowdfunding efforts are still ongoing (such as the Romance #HolidayFairies drive organized by Andrea @Shelflove)
Thank you to everyone who's joined any of these, or any other, #MutualAid efforts.
#crowdfunding #mutualaid #holidayfairies
The Romancelandia Holiday Fairies are still at work!
You can read everything about this #MutualAid effort by @Shelflove here:, but basically: you can find wishlists for 40+ households by going here:
Anything you give, no matter how inexpensive, will brighten someone's holiday season at the end of a very difficult year; may your generosity return to you ten fold.
(please boost to spread the word).
#holidayfairies #romancelandia #mutualaid
@Shelflove on twitter: "While we're trying to confirm at least 1 purchase for wishlists now, RHF promo will continue until 12/31. Pls feel free to ADD a wishlist any time."
For more information, please visit:
#mutualaid #shelflove #holidayfairies #romancelandia
Romancelandia Holiday Fairies continues!
@Shelflove on twitter: "Update:
We started Sat AM w/ 34 wishlists & the goal to support every list by Sun PM.
8 lists got added & now there's just 4 lists left without support!
Y'all are amazing: can we show these last 4 lists some love?"
#Romancelandia #HolidayFairies #ShelfLove #MutualAid
#mutualaid #shelflove #holidayfairies #romancelandia
Romancelandia, we are down to just SIX wishlists that have received no gifts yet. Can you help with one gift from one of those lists? A few dollars can make a huge difference on someone's life, especially during the holiday season, which is usually already harder emotionally for so many of us.
Huge thanks to Andrea at @Shelflove
#shelflove #holidayfairies #romancelandia
Romancelandia, assemble! Can we get at least one gift for every wishlist by the end of the day?
@Shelflove on twitter: "27/39 Romancelandia Holiday Fairy wishlists have at least 1 gift on the way!
That leaves just 12 more wishlists that need YOUR support before the end of today, Sunday 12/11.
All the info here (pls don't forget to notify via the form in instruction #3!)"
#shelflove #holidayfairies #romancelandia
I don't have a lot of disposable income, and what I do goes to #MutualAid. This one is dear to my heart because even something worth just a handful of dollars (a book, socks, pens or pencils) can change someone's holiday season from horrible to, "someone sees me, someone cares about me" and that joy is priceless.
So, if you can, please give. If you can't give, please share.
#holidayfairies #romancelandia #shelflove #mutualaid
If you have a limited budget for this, you can select more affordable choices for several lists, then ship to multiple addresses! To make sure you ship to the correct address, open your cart in two tabs, then use one to confirm where each gift goes as you continue to checkout on the other.
#mutualaid #holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
I am going to add to @Shelflove 's thread by saying: if you have a limited budget for this purpose, you can search several lists for lower priced items, then ask amazon at check out to "ship to more than one address" and select where each gift goes. Even a few bucks can brighten someone's holidays.
Spread the love, romancelandia holiday fairies!
#mutualaid #holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
@Shelflove From @Shelflove (on twitter):
1. Check out the available wishlists and buy gifts!
2. Let me know which list(s) you supported here:
I'll direct ppl to under-support wishlists thru the weekend
3. SHARE! Let people know YOU took part & urge them to join you.
#mutualaid #holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
Romancelandia, assemble for a good cause:
From @Shelflove (on twitter):
"There are members of the romance community who could use YOUR help this season. 35 wishlists are ready for your gift buying support. Make a difference with a small or big gift TODAY."
Too many lists still don't have even a small item given. Can we fix that?
#mutualaid #holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
I am going to add to @Shelflove 's thread by saying: if you have a limited budget for this purpose, you can search several lists for lower priced items, then ask amazon at check out to "ship to more than one address" and select where each gift goes.
Spread the love, romancelandia holiday fairies!
#mutualaid #holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
From @Shelflove (on twitter):
1. Check out the available wishlists and buy gifts!
2. Let me know which list(s) you supported here:
I'll direct ppl to under-support wishlists thru the weekend
3. SHARE! Let people know YOU took part & urge them to join you.
#holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia
From @Shelflove (on twitter):
There are members of the romance community who could use YOUR help this season. 35 wishlists are ready for your gift buying support. Make a difference with a small or big gift TODAY.
#holidayfairies #shelflove #romancelandia