Holiday World wird 2024 seine erste Familien-Achterbahn namens „Good Gravy“ eröffnen. Wie bei einem Thanksgiving Dinner wird die Achterbahn für jedermann interessant sein. Was dich bei „Good Gravy” erwarten wird, erfährst du in diesem Artikel.
📷 (c) Holiday World
#Freizeitparks #ThemeParks #AmusementParks #Leisure #Fun #ThemedEntertainment #ThemedAttractions #IAAPA #VekomaRides #HolidayWorld #Gravy
#freizeitparks #themeparks #amusementparks #leisure #fun #themedentertainment #themedattractions #iaapa #vekomarides #holidayworld #gravy
I don't use Reddit much anymore but I do lurk to watch the hilarity of certain things.... This comment nails today's #RollerCoaster announcements.
#CedarPoint took an amazing ride, made it worse (but still probably decent) and then completely destroyed everything by maybe the worst name in history, Top Thrill 2
On the other hand #HolidayWorld likely crushed a major coaster park with a family coaster announcement.
I, for one, welcome our new independent park overlords.
#rollercoaster #cedarpoint #holidayworld #amusementparks
Spent the entire day at #HolidayWorld in #SantaClaus, Indiana. Gotta say it was pretty nice. Free parking, free sunscreen, free soda and water. One of the better water parks I've ever visited, too!