“Even if you are ‘cancer-free,’ it is always a good idea to continue your natural protocol to try to keep cancer at bay.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

We always recommend you continue your set protocol despite a remission status change. Remission is absolutely an amazing thing to celebrate! However, we do want to be cautious & wise about moving forward because cancer always resides in our bodies.

Although you may be able to change your protocol slightly, it’s so beneficial to continue this lifestyle change to prevent any cancer cells from growing!

Learn more about the importance of addressing mineral deficiencies by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#holisticnutrition #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

"You want to talk about cancer? Well, that’s where the research is very strong, linking cell phones to cancer, brain cancer, brain tumors, ipsilateral tumors, tumors on the same side of the head as [where you hold] your cell phone. How curious is that?

So how can you do that when you’re using it? Well, either you put it on speakerphone. That’s not always possible, I know. Or you use what’s called an ear tube headset.

Listen to the full interview in Episode #23 of Conners Clinic Live at ConnersClinic.com/23




#health #healer #functionalnutritionist #EasternMedicine #chemo #CancerTruth #CancerResearch #cancer #emfprotection #alternativemedicine #alternativecancertherapies #EMF #truth #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #thetruthaboutcancer #ttac #Essentialoils #foodismedicine #naturalhealth #holisticnutrition #holistichealing #holistic #holisticliving #HolisticHealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Ditch the toxins!

With the autumn season just beginning, new items are on the shelves in stores that contain a whole lot of toxic material.

Candles! (& any other fragrances, like sprays, soaps, etc.)

Fragrance is a #1 toxin, carrying known carcinogenic material. These toxins are known endocrine disruptors, causing hormonal issues, which largely contributes to anxiety & depression! Many products with fragrance are advertised as “natural,” but unfortunately are largely greenwashed. DO NOT be fooled.


Artificial flavors (& colorings)

It’s the time for pumpkin spice! Although this flavor is yummy & inviting, make sure you’re reading your labels & being mindful of what they say.

To learn more about toxins, go to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on link in our bio for more!

#holisticnutrition #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Even if you are ‘cancer-free,’ it is always a good idea to continue your natural protocol to try to keep cancer at bay.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

We always recommend you continue your set protocol despite a remission status change. Remission is absolutely an amazing thing to celebrate! However, we do want to be cautious & wise about moving forward because cancer always resides in our bodies.

Although you may be able to change your protocol slightly, it’s so beneficial to continue this lifestyle change to prevent any cancer cells from growing!

Learn more about the importance of addressing mineral deficiencies by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#holisticnutrition #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

"The only way you can influence [public policy] is to mobilize public opinion." –Dr. Ralph Moss, Moss Reports.

The context to what Dr. Moss is speaking of here is his history with the Office of Alternative Medicine, now the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). It did not take long for this "alternative medicine" organization to be co-opted and forced into studying non-controversial therapies like acupuncture and massage.

Listen to the full interview in Episode #22 of Conners Clinic Live at ConnersClinic.com/22


#health #healer #functionalnutritionist #EasternMedicine #chemodiaries #CancerResearch #cancer #beatcancer #alternativemedicine #alternativecancertherapies #MedicalIndustrialComplex #truth #thetruthaboutcancer #ttac #Essentialoils #foodismedicine #naturalhealth #holisticnutrition #holistichealing #holistic #holisticliving #HolisticHealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Sahaj Marco · @Marco_Andre
1 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.social
Sahaj Marco · @Marco_Andre
1 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.social