I've read "The Hollow Men" by T.S. Elliot through twice now. The first time I was too busy saying "wow" at the way the imagery conjured up the end of the universe, "not with a bank, but a whimper."
The second reading, I noticed a subheading "Penny for the Old Guy" and the scarecrow imagery, reminding me (as was probably intentional) of Guy Fawkes' Night celebrations. And then it slid back into the End of The Universe.
Maybe, third reading through, I'll see what Elliot intended. But maybe it'll still be the universe...
#poetry #tselliot #poemsofmastodon #hollowmen
A clip of Joe Don Baker kicking the crap out of Andy Robinson in Charley Varrick (1973).
Fun fact! Baker's character Jedburgh from #EdgeOfDarkness (1985) inspired the character of the same name in my #StarTrekDS9 novel #HollowMen.
Jedburgh interrogates #Garak while Garak is visiting Earth with #Sisko, in the wake of the events of #InThePaleMoonlight. He does not kick the crap out of Garak, however. Someone else does that, because someone always does.
#inthepalemoonlight #Sisko #Garak #hollowmen #startrekds9 #edgeofdarkness