A game of freewheeling violence by Brad Murray and C W Marshall, I fell in love with #Hollowpoint straight away.
It involves action, violence and buckets of dice — and my main touch point when I ran it were #TheExpendables movies. There are most definitely others that work just as well.
Me, I ended up subverting it to run #ThdLordOfTheRings with a strong lean into the over-the-top action of the movies. The simplicity makes for great flexibility and it's easy to teach newcomers as a result.
#hollowpoint #theexpendables #thdlordoftherings
Ici, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durance, #MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, #HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #heroquestglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #MouseGuard #Durance #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Ici, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, #HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #heroquestglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #MouseGuard #durace #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Sur ces photos-ci, nous avons #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #%MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PosthumanPathways, #Annalise, #Hollowpoint, HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #jdr .3/6
#jdr #shelfie #13thageglorantha #hollowpoint #annalise #posthumanpathways #spark #eclipsephase #novapraxis #cabal #durace #monsterhearts #nightwitches #Kingdom #microscope #Fiasco #inspectres #FengShui2 #leveragerpg
Next picture shows #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #%MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PasthumanPathways, #Analise, #Hollowpoint, HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg .3/6
#leveragerpg #FengShui2 #InSpectres #Fiasco #microscope #kingdom #nightwitches #monsterhearts #durace #cabal #novapraxis #eclipsephase #spark #pasthumanpathways #analise #hollowpoint #13thageglorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg