Der Mensch ist kein "Parasit" für die Erde, kein unabhängig von "der Natur" existierender Organismus, sondern ein #Holobiont !
Biology research now focuses on "holobionts", the symbiotic union of a multicellular host organism (like human) and its microbiome.
The newly funded #PhytOakmeter Research Unit will offer 10 #PhD and 3 #Postdoc positions @jobRxiv @jobsecoevo to conduct exciting research on the interaction of #oaks and their #holobiont partners (#bacteria & #mycorrhiza) in the #acclimation and #adaptation to #drought and #herbivory. PhytOakmeter is coordinated by the #University of #Marburg, collaborating with @unifreiburg @unileipzig) @ufz @WSL_research @idiv[] Thanks to #dfg and @SNF_ch for the generous funding!
#phytoakmeter #phd #postdoc #oaks #holobiont #bacteria #mycorrhiza #acclimation #adaptation #drought #herbivory #University #marburg #DFG
@msquebanh TIL I am a #holobiont! That is brilliant, thank you 🙏 One in the eye for the neoliberal cult of the individual…
[ #Lichens are entire #ecosystems in miniature, what many #biologists are now referring to as an example of a #holobiont - a #diverse #assemblage of #organisms that behaves as a unit.
Another classic example of a holobiont is a #HumanBeing - with our 10-100 trillion #symbiotic #bacteria directly impacting our digestion, metabolism, immunity, developmental processes, and brain functions.]
#Science #WeAreGiantHolobionts #WeAreLikeLichens #biology #nature #Fascinating
#lichens #ecosystems #biologists #holobiont #diverse #assemblage #organisms #humanbeing #symbiotic #bacteria #science #wearegiantholobionts #wearelikelichens #biology #nature #fascinating
#coopération #biologie #holobiont
Et si l'homme était un méta-organisme plutôt qu’une entité unique ?
#cooperation #biologie #holobiont
So honored to have been able to host the legendary Dr. Joan Roughgarden,l as the Huck Institutes Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Roughgarden taking the first steps in the new modern synthesis by creating population theory for the #holobiont ! @PennStateBiology
When the #holobiont comes to #behaviour changes :
Environmental microbes promote phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila reproduction and sleep behavior | bioRxiv
How do we eat and do we eat each other? "Everything links to the stomach"
At the #AILS Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab,
Performative Discourse #SalonSouterrain
Tummies and Moods
#ails #salonsouterrain #artscience #ScienceArt #food #holobiont
There's a #Holobiont art exhibition going on in #Vienna at the Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Holobiont. Life is Other.
Curated by Judith Reichart, Lucie Strecker, Thomas Feuerstein, Jens Hauser
Such wonderful historical work by Jan Baedke on Meyer-Abich and the history of the #holobiosis #holobiont concept, revealing the colonial and racial interests used to push holistic organismic biology. #UncomfortableTruths
Follow the "The Place of the Organism in Biology and Medicine: New Historical and Philosophical Reflections" #ROTO workshop here:
#ecoevo #evolution #organism
#philsci #philbio #histsci #holism
@histodons @philosophy
#holobiosis #holobiont #uncomfortabletruths #roto #ecoevo #Evolution #organism #philsci #philbio #histsci #Holism
Interested in following tweets about:
#evobio #evotheory
#enactivism #enactiveperception
#embodiment #interoception
#ecoimmunology #ecoimmunity
#basalcognition #protocognition
#holobiont #holobionts
#scicomm #philscicomm
Let's connect!
#symbiosis #nicheconstruction #PhenotypicPlasticity #developmentalgenetics #ecoevodevo #evobio #evotheory #affordances #enactivism #enactiveperception #embodiment #interoception #ecoimmunology #ecoimmunity #gutbrainmicrobeaxis #basalcognition #protocognition #holobiont #holobionts #neuroimmunology #scicomm #Philscicomm
#undergradresearch #undergradteaching #inclusiveteaching #purplemartins #treeswallows #aerialinsectivores #ornithology #birds #ecoimmunology #immunology #ecophysiology #MicrobialEcology #microbiome #parasites #maternaleffects #lifehistory #eDNA #DNAmetabarcoding #dietmetabarcoding #QIIME2 #Genomics #holobiont #symbiosis
I am so glad scientists are discussing with us philosophers about science and meta-science!
#science #Philosophy #microbiome #holobiont
#science #philosophy #microbiome #holobiont