Gizmodo: Meta's Supreme Court Is Investigating a Nazi Squidward Meme on Instagram #historicalnegationism #spongebobsquarepants #squidwardtentacles #contentmoderation #internetculture #symbiansoftware #holocaustdenial #oversightboard #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #governance #instagram #facebook #meta
#historicalnegationism #spongebobsquarepants #squidwardtentacles #contentmoderation #internetculture #symbiansoftware #holocaustdenial #oversightboard #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #governance #instagram #facebook #meta
Auschwitz Memorial announces on the Hellsite that they are blocking users who post antisemitic and Holocaust denial comments that appear under their posts. To which Musk responds 'directly' that "Block[ing accounts] is going to be deleted".
Quite extraordinary.
#Twitter #ElonMusk #AuschwitzMemorial #Auschwitz #AntiSemitism #HolocaustDenial
#twitter #elonmusk #auschwitzmemorial #auschwitz #antisemitism #holocaustdenial
TheOnion: Holocaust Deniers Explain Why They Deny The Holocaust #holocaustuniquenessdebate #aftermathoftheholocaust #historicalnegationism #healthmedicalpharma #denyingtheholocaust #censorshipingermany #holocauststudies #holocaustdenial #religionbelief #theholocaust #warconflict
#holocaustuniquenessdebate #aftermathoftheholocaust #historicalnegationism #healthmedicalpharma #denyingtheholocaust #censorshipingermany #holocauststudies #holocaustdenial #religionbelief #theholocaust #warconflict
TheOnion: Saudis Attempt To Normalize Ties With Israel By Air-Striking Gaza #antisemitisminthemiddleeast #islamicfundamentalism #mohammedbinsalman #muslimbrotherhood #holocaustdenial #warconflict #politics #hamas
#antisemitisminthemiddleeast #islamicfundamentalism #mohammedbinsalman #muslimbrotherhood #holocaustdenial #warconflict #politics #hamas
TheOnion: Holocaust Deniers Explain Why They Deny The Holocaust #aftermathoftheholocaust #historicalnegationism #censorshipingermany #martinkensington #muhammadabubakar #holocauststudies #holocaustdenial #sandrapatterson #traviscaldwell #jasoncommings #frankanderson #marybethlewis #ryanzagdanski #theholocaust #frankieellis #moseshurtado #henrymadison #susanansley #warconflict #rhondaevans #harperdavis #uber
#aftermathoftheholocaust #historicalnegationism #censorshipingermany #martinkensington #muhammadabubakar #holocauststudies #holocaustdenial #sandrapatterson #traviscaldwell #jasoncommings #frankanderson #marybethlewis #ryanzagdanski #theholocaust #frankieellis #moseshurtado #henrymadison #susanansley #warconflict #rhondaevans #harperdavis #uber
Roseanne: "The Holocaust never happened, and contemporary Jews should be slaughtered."
Also Roseanne: "How dare you take my comments out of context, and allege that I said the Holocaust never happened!"
#roseannebarr #antisemitism #holocaustdenial #humangarbage
#Negationismus und "#Geschichtsrevisionismus" als Herausforderung fĂĽr #Wissenschaft, #Justiz und #Erinnerungskultur
3./4. Juli 2023, #Potsdam
Projekt "Die radikale Rechte in Deutschland 1945–2000" (ZZF & MMZ Potsdam)
@histodons @historikerinnen @politicalscience
#histodons #Rechtsextremismus #Holocaustlegnung #Zeitgeschichte #Gedenkstätten #GermanHistory #ContemporaryHistory #HolocaustDenial #HolocaustEducation #RightWingExtremism
#rightwingextremism #holocausteducation #holocaustdenial #contemporaryhistory #GermanHistory #gedenkstatten #Zeitgeschichte #holocaustlegnung #rechtsextremismus #histodons #potsdam #erinnerungskultur #Justiz #wissenschaft #geschichtsrevisionismus #negationismus #workshop
#Negationismus und "#Geschichtsrevisionismus" als Herausforderung fĂĽr #Wissenschaft, #Justiz und #Erinnerungskultur
3./4. Juli 2023, #Potsdam
Veranstaltet vom Projekt "Die radikale Rechte in Deutschland 1945–2000" (ZZF & MMZ Potsdam),
@histodons @historikerinnen @politicalscience
#histodons #Rechtsextremismus #Holocaustlegnung #Zeitgeschichte #Gedenkstätten #GermanHistory #ContemporaryHistory #HolocaustDenial #HolocaustEducation #RightWingExtremism
#rightwingextremism #holocausteducation #holocaustdenial #contemporaryhistory #GermanHistory #gedenkstatten #Zeitgeschichte #holocaustlegnung #rechtsextremismus #histodons #potsdam #erinnerungskultur #Justiz #wissenschaft #geschichtsrevisionismus #negationismus #workshop
#Harvard affirmative action challenge partly based on #Holocaust denier’s work
Complaint draws heavily from 2012 article by #RonUnz, who publishes #antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+ and neo-Nazi screeds
#harvard #holocaust #ronunz #antisemitic #holocaustdenial
#Negationismus und "#Geschichtsrevisionismus" als Herausforderung fĂĽr #Wissenschaft, #Justiz und #Erinnerungskultur
3./4. Juli 2023, #Potsdam
Veranstaltet vom Projekt "Die radikale Rechte in Deutschland 1945–2000" (ZZF & MMZ Potsdam),
@histodons @historikerinnen @politicalscience
#histodons #Rechtsextremismus #Holocaustlegnung #Zeitgeschichte #Gedenkstätten #GermanHistory #ContemporaryHistory #HolocaustDenial #HolocaustEducation #RightWingExtremism
#rightwingextremism #holocausteducation #holocaustdenial #contemporaryhistory #GermanHistory #gedenkstatten #Zeitgeschichte #holocaustlegnung #rechtsextremismus #histodons #potsdam #erinnerungskultur #Justiz #wissenschaft #geschichtsrevisionismus #negationismus #workshop
How is this person allowed the platform he has. #GlennBeck #Holocaust #HolocaustDenial
(I hope people like TBS, Samantha Bee and CNN are happy)
RT @bad_takes
Glenn Beck: "It wasn't the Nazis that were killing people, per se. It was the doctors that were Nazis that were killing people."
#glennbeck #holocaust #holocaustdenial
@jackiegardina Ordered #HistoryDenial is as bad as #HolocaustDenial.
If history serves as truthful lessons to learn from it for a better future, suppressing historical truth & facts is active prevention of a better, optimized future for humanity.
"Purging" lesson plans to sweep "uncomfortable" truths under the rug of rebellion has the stench of Inquisition & dicktatorships, at the same time.
#TruthWins #History #Science #Facts #Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #UnelectableGOP #Insurrection #Rebellion #18USCSection2383
#historydenial #holocaustdenial #truthwins #history #science #facts #democracy #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #unelectablegop #insurrection #rebellion #18uscsection2383
If you ever doubted there ever was definitive proof that #Holocaust deniers will reject any evidence wholesale - regardless if you have not only means, motive, opportunity, confession, but also autopsies. Then you haven't heard of Natzweiler-Struthof.
Great article about the camps' experimental gassing and the evidentiary basis for it:
#holocaust #holocaustdenial #histodons
I think it's pretty telling that in the 2019 edition of "Hitlers War" David Irving is still falsely asserting that Himmlers Nov 30th directive was an order originating from Hitler.
He *knows* Himmlers directive was sent at 1:30 p.m. and Himmler met with Hitler at 2:30 p.m.
#holocaust #holocaustdenial #histodons,hitlertagebuecher114.html via @robin A fascinating new perspective on a major scandal I remember vividly from my youth in Germany - the fake Hitler diaries 40 years ago. The full content has now been released and apparently highlights a political motivation previously not appreciated, namely #HolocaustDenial.
#Holocaust #Histodons
#holocaustdenial #holocaust #histodons
@patricklee acts of #JewHatred are perceived as acceptable. #HolocaustDenial - This is not a #ZeroSumGame #HatredIsHatred
#jewhatred #holocaustdenial #zerosumgame #hatredishatred
NDR veröffentlicht gefälschte „Hitler-Tagebücher“- Auswertung belegt Holocaust-Leugnung
#Zeitgeschichte #HolocaustLeugnung #HitlerTagebuecher #SternMagazin #ContemporaryHistory #HolocaustDenial #HitlerDiaries
@histodons @historikerinnen @politicalscience
#hitlerdiaries #holocaustdenial #contemporaryhistory #SternMagazin #hitlertagebuecher #holocaustleugnung #Zeitgeschichte
@learosema being a #TERF should be as illegal and socioeconomically suicidal as any #HolocaustDenial fans...
#US State Department envoy: '#Holocaustdistortion and #Holocaustdenial on the rise' - ABC News
#us #holocaustdistortion #holocaustdenial
@drhettie Zora Neale Hurston said, "If you're silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.”
It's quite apparent that the likes of Govs. Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott want to erase history itself so they can be free to spout their lies anyway.
#history #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #nativeamericans #holocaustdenial
#history #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #nativeamericans #holocaustdenial