Bibliolater 📚📜🖋📐 · @bibliolater
333 followers · 1253 posts · Server

Stoneking, M., Arias, L., Liu, D., Oliveira, S., Pugach, I., & Rodriguez, J. J. R. B. (2023). Genomic perspectives on human dispersals during the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(4). @science @anthropology

#openaccess #anthropology #genetics #ancient #dna #adna #biology #humans #genomics #academia #academic #academics #oa #holocene #genome #science

Last updated 1 year ago

Ika Makimaki · @pezmico
1814 followers · 4547 posts · Server

The sucks.

Feel like shit, just want the back.

#anthropocene #holocene

Last updated 1 year ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
467 followers · 2690 posts · Server

Why is that oceans only take up more heat from the air since the fossil fuel attack?
That's how I hear it talked about everywhere.
Was it the case that did not store more and more heat while GMT anomaly was 0.0°C? Were oceans in equilibrium then? Can't be, can it?

And also: the would have been an exceptionally long interglacial with the next peak glacialisation 100,000 years from now – if it weren't for the attack, ofc. The fossil attack pushes the next full glacialisation to 700,000yrs from now...

What would the oceans have done with all the additional years of warm air in a fossil-free, long, not cooling Holocene?

Am just confounded right now.
I'd say, oceans always take up heat, even in an ice age.. I either misunderstood or the wasn't clear enough on this.

If the warming from down to 2km depth stored by the oceans since 1955 were released in one go, the air up to 10km high would heat by 36°C in an instant.
Once we stop the fossil attack, global warming ± ~halts. But the oceans continue storing heat – and will for the next 650.000+ years, until and beyond when our fossil hell freezes over, so to say... They must, right? So... What ocean life forms remain in, let's say, 50,000yrs time? Heat-loving bacteria, eh.

#ocean #holocene #fossilfuel #clicomm #scicomm

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
842 followers · 93 posts · Server

New paper in the journal Nature well worth a read. "Safe and just Earth system boundaries" (, 31. May 2023, Rockström, Gupta, Kin, Lade et al.)

7 out of 8 Earth System Boundaries (ESBs) are already in the unsafe, out-of-bounds zone, and have already crossed the "red line" (see attached figure). The has not yet crossed the red line, but is getting very close, of course.

" is well into the , the proposed new geological epoch where human pressures have put the system on a trajectory moving rapidly away from the stable state of the past 12,000 years, which is the only state of the Earth system we have evidence of being able to support the world as we know it. These rapid changes to the Earth system undermine critical life-support systems with significant societal impacts already felt, and they could lead to triggering tipping points that irreversibly destabilize the Earth system. These changes are mostly driven by social and economic systems run on unsustainable resource extraction and consumption.

Contributions to Earth system change and the consequences of its impacts vary greatly among social groups and countries. Given these interdependencies between inclusive human development and a stable and resilient Earth system an assessment of safe and just boundaries is required that accounts for Earth system resilience and human well-being in an integrated framework."

#nature #climate #humanity #anthropocene #earth #holocene #globalwarming #ClimateCrisis #Klima #KlimaKrise #earthsystems #planet #ecosystems #water #groundwater #planetarysystems

Last updated 1 year ago

MikPetter · @mikpetter
42 followers · 904 posts · Server

@jhaue from the article Charcoal deposited on the dune surface by past fires collects in sediment layers at the base of the dune. Patton et al 2023/Quaternary Research. “.. newly published research focuses on four well-dated sand dunes. Unlike previous studies that extracted fire histories from sediment cores from lakes, bogs and other organic sediments, we extracted fire records from these dunes. We believe this is a breakthrough that will greatly expand the areas for which we can extract fire histories….
For the first 1,000 years after the dunes stabilised, frequent but minor flows of sand grains down the front face of the dune slowly built up sediments at the foot of the dune. The sand deposited at the base includes the remnants of charcoal from local fires that deposited on the dune’s surface. This sediment builds up over time, preserving layers of charcoal from fires..”

#fire #carbondating #firehistory #holocene

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
57 followers · 310 posts · Server
Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
154 followers · 328 posts · Server

Today I started the basic system for . It's not going to be very complex anyway, but that does not matter. Hopefully I'll finish the bare bones by the end of the week and I might even have screenshots by then. Combat will involve attacking, defending, fleeing and chasing. Let's have some goat meat!🐐

#combat #holocene #gamedev

Last updated 2 years ago

AnthropoceneMan · @Anthro
583 followers · 873 posts · Server

Halcyon holocene days have elapsed

Like hours whiled away waiting

For a time to come that has already passed

Certainty a luxury of the past

Fate intertwined with a planet ailing

#anthropocene #ClimateChange #IceAge #pyrocene #holocene #ageofman #shasta #norcal #glacialretreat #geology #poetry #today

Last updated 2 years ago

MPI für Meteorologie · @MPI_Meteo
1389 followers · 82 posts · Server

In their latest paper in Climate of the Past, Leonore Jungandreas et al. reveal how explicitly accounting for convection alters precipitation-soil hydrology interaction in the African humid period. It highlights significant changes in the hydrological cycle and emphasizes the importance of land processes in climate modeling. Read more here:

#mpim_scientist #climatescience #holocene #hydrology #africanclimate #convection

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
1086 followers · 2564 posts · Server

A study from the University of California, Davis, synthesizes trends across the Western U.S. during a relatively young period of ’s history — the Era, which stretches from the present day to the past 11,000 years.

#climate #earth #holocene #earthscience #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Jens Notroff · @jens2go
1330 followers · 783 posts · Server

Complex & durable: A bone splinter mounted on a shaft of pine wood with bast ligatures coated in birch bark tar.

J. Kabaciński et al. in
@Antiquity Feb. 2023 (🔓) on a fascinating from Early Krzyż Wielkopolski 7, :

#compositeimplement #holocene #poland

Last updated 2 years ago

Jussi T Eronen · @Jussi_T_Eronen
814 followers · 464 posts · Server

Forgot to mention that this is out (already in January)

New article "Rules of thumb, from Holocene to Anthropocene" by
Roope Kaaronen, Mikael Manninen and myself.

"... as environments rapidly change, many traditional heuristic problem-solving strategies will face challenges ..."

#humans #anthropocene #holocene #Environment

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
150 followers · 304 posts · Server

How creepy do they look en masse! No mammoth or smilodon would dare mess with these recruits. They spawn around the building with terrible efficiency! will never be the same with so many!

#gamedev #holocene

Last updated 2 years ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
407 followers · 699 posts · Server

6 thousand years ago... within 150 years they'd have destroyed the habitability, the predictability of the .
And us, you and me, assuming we were even alive today, we'd be spending our lives hunting and gathering, without education, without knowing why all this happened to us.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
143 followers · 297 posts · Server

It starts to work fine with my three Engelberts in . They pick their own spot near the designated tree to gather wood from and then they pick it up using a placeholder animation, but after they deliver it to the building, they go to the same spot and it looks weird.

#gamedev #screenshotsaturday #holocene

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
143 followers · 296 posts · Server

I think I made things easier for myself when I decided to make 's task performing system more like Age of Empires and less like The Settlers. Not that that was the aim, but it seems so. No more sticks, branches, logs and twigs to deal with. Just wood. And food and stone and flint and hides. Still a lot.

As we Dutch say: I'm not going to sell the hide before the bear is shot. Because that would be carrying water to the sea and I might as well throw the towel in the ring then.

#gamedev #holocene

Last updated 2 years ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
384 followers · 380 posts · Server

Just a post for hashtags I want to follow but my still-young instance won't let me because it can't even find posts containing the #
I'll edit and add more # to this single post over time.
My instance @admin can also use this post to subscribe the instance itself to the hashtags via

#mastodon #paleoclimate #holocene #miocene #pliocene #eocene #pleistocene #anthropocene

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
138 followers · 291 posts · Server

So, I not a gatherer by profession, but programming one, I found out today they don't just go to a resource and gather it. After a while they have the stuff and they need to go somewhere to deliver it. Or else we need deliverers to deliver and why wouldn't they just gather the stuff first and be a gatherer? Did I convince you this is complicated?

#gatherai #holocene #gamedev

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
137 followers · 289 posts · Server

Went to see the inlaws again today. Reminded me to revisit the pleistocene big mammals fit my game again in a while. Like this guy I drew some time ago and who I'll need to scale down in pixels to use. Looking forward to putting him in my game.

#gamedev #pixelart #holocene

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommy van Son ✔ · @TommyvanSon
127 followers · 275 posts · Server

Funny thing about . I was making a box selecting system for today and I had it that i was updating the position of two corners of the box based on the mouse position while the button was down. That was going to be covered by a stretched 1x1 white pixel sprite (which I made myself: that's ). Somehow it took quite some time to get that to work properly. I didn't expect that, actually...

#gamedev #smallvictories #pixelart #holocene #unity2d

Last updated 2 years ago