#HappyNewYear and welcome to the year 12,023 H.E. of the #HoloceneCalendar. Using this calendar to mark our true “year one” allows us to put human history in perspective.
The #HumanEra doesn’t start with the initial emergence of humans (about 2M yrs ago) or of modern humans (200K-300K yrs ago), but from when our knowledge & technology allowed us to begin fundamentally changing the face of the Earth by building large structures.
#happynewyear #holocenecalendar #humanera
"May this new year bring Enough and Happiness to all the world"
#languages #sihirliannem #holocenecalendar
Hot take: Humanist organizations should promote the Holocene dating era and adoption of it in government and academia. #HoloceneCalendar
Personal experiment:
I'm writing an African history timeline but with #HoloceneCalendar dates. The idea is to place most of the "civilizational" events in Africa into a "modern" era rather than how the Gregorian calendar segregates a chunk of it into the BC/BCE era.
Gives one a sense of how the last 500 years are a drop in the bucket.