Bryan Pieper · @bryan
21 followers · 22 posts · Server

and welcome to the year 12,023 H.E. of the . Using this calendar to mark our true “year one” allows us to put human history in perspective.

The doesn’t start with the initial emergence of humans (about 2M yrs ago) or of modern humans (200K-300K yrs ago), but from when our knowledge & technology allowed us to begin fundamentally changing the face of the Earth by building large structures.

#happynewyear #holocenecalendar #humanera

Last updated 2 years ago

Destinie A. Jones · @DestinieA
4 followers · 69 posts · Server
Aquarius Otter · @aquarius
128 followers · 885 posts · Server

Hot take: Humanist organizations should promote the Holocene dating era and adoption of it in government and academia.


Last updated 2 years ago

Aquarius Otter · @aquarius
121 followers · 655 posts · Server

Personal experiment:

I'm writing an African history timeline but with dates. The idea is to place most of the "civilizational" events in Africa into a "modern" era rather than how the Gregorian calendar segregates a chunk of it into the BC/BCE era.

Gives one a sense of how the last 500 years are a drop in the bucket.


Last updated 7 years ago