Holochain is sponsoring the action at Open Source Summit Europe 2023, in Bilbao! https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-europe/
Catch us at the Linux Foundation's event where we'll be attending OpenJS and OpenCloud. Swing by our booth in the expo hall for demos of fully P2P collaboration tools using Holochain. đź‘‹
➡️ View the full schedule: https://hubs.la/Q020qjrL0
If you're heading to the event, we'd love to connect with you!
#Holochain #OSSummit #OpenSource #Decentralized #PeerToPeer #FOSS
#holochain #ossummit #opensource #decentralized #peertopeer #foss
📢 Dev Pulse 136 is here! Get the latest scoop on Kangaroo, the new tool for deploying hApps, and stay updated on upcoming #Holochain events.
at #DWeb I saw at least three new(ish) platforms featuring the unified client-side database I have been advocating for for over a decade. Nice. That's
#holochain, for one. But also, an almost alpha-release, and a few others that seem at least mostly on-board with that model.
Wow, so cool !
#Holochain #Holo @IOEN_tech @H_O_L_O_
Now build a link to @MEERsrm and back,
@peakaustria @ahausmannx @jembendell
and make the climate aware pple aware of this combo
RT @Hessu357
#Holochain #Holo #Holofuel #Holofamily #Holoverse #Holomonday #Holoduck #Web3 #dweb
List of currently public projects building on Holochain. There are number of projects that are not public and not in this list yet.
#dweb #web3 #holoduck #Holomonday #holoverse #holofamily #holofuel #holo #holochain
RT @Neighbour_hoods
👉 What sort of #social #sensemaking apps would you like to see developed on #holochain?
đź’ˇ Add your voice to our Groupware Survey, and take a peek at the features other #neighbs care about, too! https://buff.ly/3IIasr9
#neighbs #holochain #sensemaking #social
#EnergySharing mit @IOEN_tech & @redgrid using #Holochain @Holochain (not a #blockchain) and Blockchain.
RT @SvenKirrmann
Die #Ampel-Energiepolitiker:innen @NinaScheer_SPD, @Ingrid_Nestle und @KonradStockmei1 begrüßen auf dem #Energiewende-Kongress des @_Genossenschaft unisono die Realisierung von #EnergySharing. Wird also Zeit für einen Umsetzungsvorschlag, liebes @BMWK. 🙂
Wie sieht's aus?
#energiewende #ampel #blockchain #holochain #EnergySharing
RT @Atotsm2
👋 This was some hard work. A list of mostly #usury-aware folks. Then I asked #chatgpt what kinda app they would make together, and then I asked what they would have thought about #holochain. 🙇‍♀️ The folks at #holo might want to see this? @helioscomm 🙏
#holo #holochain #chatgpt #Usury
This is sweet! What something like #Ethereum's #ENS looks like when developed to #Holochain design principles- #Nom https://nomde.net/
#Ethereum #ens #holochain #nom
@rieger_san I'm learning/watching #crypto space #blockchain #holochain and obviously #bitcoin since it's inception and I do not own a single crypto asset.
I'm an idealist that wants crypto to disrupt the financial system for good, not just speculation / individualistic goals, I refuse to play the game because it is skewed from the start and by design, wealth concentration, be it fiat or crypto is bs
I want to believe that the potential have not been explored and certainly not implemented.
#Bitcoin #holochain #BlockChain #Crypto
RT @Holochain
📢 We’re excited to share that #Holochain will be at @EthereumDenver 2023 this month. With Holochain Beta released it’s time for #BUIDLWeek and to make some #dApps #ETHDenver #Web3
#BUIDL day updates soon
#holochain #buidlweek #dapps #ethdenver #web3 #buidl
Holochain 0.1.0 Is Here -
I think #holochain is an interesting project, curious when they open their store again so that I can acquire one hardware #Holo host https://holo.host/
@anlomedad @MatthiasSchmelzer
Ich gebe dir gerne Recht in den von dir angesprochenen Punkten.
ParEcon soll nicht als Konzept neben den wesentlich aktuelleren heutigen Konzepten fĂĽr sich gesetzt werden, sondern angeschaut werden, welche Elemente davon noch heute sinnvoll (oder erst jetzt mit derzeitigen Webtechnologien #Holochain, #IOEN, #SEEDS, ...)
eingesetzt werden könnten.
Genauso wie die Konzepte von Gil Ducommun (Buch, Nach dem Kapitalismus) oder Johannes Heinrichs (Sprung aus dem Teufelskreis - https://www.zvab.com/buch-suchen/titel/sprung-aus-dem-teufelskreis/autor/heinrichs-johannes/
Demokratisches Manifest - http://www.archiv-swv.de/pdf-bank/HeinrichsDemokratiemanifest.pdf
für ein "Erwachsen-werden" der repärsentativen Demokratie.
Letzteres heutzutage ergänzt mit "Bürgerzellen" von Peter Dienel, die heutzutage unter "Bürgerräten" firmieren.
Das dann zumindest, wenn wir nach #Degrowth - oder Churchill - Phase in einer eventuellen #Postgrowth Gesellschaft sind.
FĂĽr die Selbstorganisationsprozesse der von dir genannten 20% ...
#postgrowth #degrowth #seeds #ioen #holochain
RT @marycamacho
With the beta release of #Holochain, it is exciting to see some thought pieces also get attention. In this article - the capture resistance of #commons is brought to the forefront of meaningful #P2P technical innovation.
@CollinMcclain via @hackernoon
With the beta release of #Holochain, it is exciting to see some thought pieces also get attention. In this article - the capture resistance of language is brought to the forefront of meaningful #P2P technical innovation.
RT @dcaworld
One way of thinking about the difference between #Blockchain #Holochain and #IPFS is the level of coordination required
#Holochain solves the loosely coordinated data problem for apps that require:
> no coordination (#IPFS)
< global consensus (#Blockchain)
RT @dcaworld
#Holochain is self-hosting #opensource code. What #BitTorrent did for music and #IPFS does for static websites Holochain will do for applications.
Holochain coordination
- Correctness eg "is this a jpeg"
- Relationships eg "get everything labelled 'fruit'"
- Impermanent msgs
#holochain #opensource #bittorrent #ipfs
What I don't understand about #holochain development/learning is why are boot camps in person. Why those who know the art don't give the knowledge on the open internet so everyone can be part of it and start building, if they wanted to.
Or is this because of the US patents only?
Hey, so I know that many people on Mastodon are into decentralisation as an instrumental good, which includes not just federation but also P2P, right?
#Holochain, the P2P app dev stack I work with, is hosting an online dev training in a few months. It'll happen in a few months, and it's top-notch content delivered by HackReactor teaching alumni (incl one of their co-founders) and knowledgeable Holochain community members.
Application form: https://buff.ly/3WhTkNI
RT @artbrock
First in a series of security audits of @holochain
was released about our lair #keystore and management of #cryptography and #privatekeys.
#securityaudit #Holochain https://twitter.com/LeastAuthority/status/1603778574040928265
#keystore #cryptography #privatekeys #securityaudit #holochain
Great entertaining, inspiring read by @m1keg, about the meltdown of #Twitter, oligarchs who toy with the means of our social interactions for fun, and a bit of #Holochain.