Ahead of #HolodomorRemembranceDay, The Ukrainian Information Service has re-shared its popular infographic about #Ukraine’s Famine-Genocide 🌾
Please read it & share it.
Inform others about the #Holodomor. In doing so, #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome!
#StandWithUkraine #HolodomorAwarenessWeek
#ПамятаємоГолодомор #ЗупинимоГеноцид
#RememberHolodomor #StopGenocideInUkraine #Голодомор
#UkraineRemembersTheWorldAcknowledges #УкраїнаПамятаєСвітВизнає
#holodomorremembranceday #ukraine #holodomor #werememberuniteandshallovercome #StandWithUkraine #holodomorawarenessweek #памятаємоєднаємосяпереможемо #памятаємоголодомор #зупинимогеноцид #rememberholodomor #stopgenocideinukraine #голодомор #ukrainerememberstheworldacknowledges #українапамятаєсвітвизнає
Ahead of #HolodomorRemembranceDay, The Ukrainian Information Service has re-shared its popular infographic about #Ukraine’s Famine-Genocide 🌾
Please read it & share it.
Inform others about the #Holodomor. In doing so, #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome!
#StandWithUkraine #HolodomorAwarenessWeek
#ПамятаємоГолодомор #ЗупинимоГеноцид
#RememberHolodomor #StopGenocideInUkraine #Голодомор
#UkraineRemembersTheWorldAcknowledges #УкраїнаПамятаєСвітВизнає
#holodomorremembranceday #ukraine #holodomor #werememberuniteandshallovercome #StandWithUkraine #holodomorawarenessweek #памятаємоєднаємосяпереможемо #памятаємоголодомор #зупинимогеноцид #rememberholodomor #stopgenocideinukraine #голодомор #ukrainerememberstheworldacknowledges #українапамятаєсвітвизнає
If you want to learn about the Holodomor in Ukraine in English. I can recommend
Anne Applebaum: Red Famine, Stalin's War on Ukraine.
Ray Gemache: Gareth Jones, Eyewitness to the Holodomor.
Halyna Hryn: Hunger by Design: The Great Ukrainian Famine and its Soviet Context.
#Holodomor #Ukraine #Famine #BookRecommendations #Bookodon #ReadingList #ReadingGroup #Histodons #HolodomorAwarenessWeek
#holodomor #ukraine #famine #bookrecommendations #bookodon #readinglist #readinggroup #histodons #holodomorawarenessweek
This week is National #HolodomorAwarenessWeek!
#Holodomor was the 1932-33 Act of Genocide by Famine engineered by Stalin to systematically starve the #Ukrainian people.
We will never forget this horrific tragedy🕯️
To learn more, visit: facebook.com/UISLondon
#holodomorawarenessweek #holodomor #ukrainian #голодомор #україна #ukraine
This week is National #HolodomorAwarenessWeek!
#Holodomor was the 1932-33 Act of Genocide by Famine engineered by Stalin to systematically starve the #Ukrainian people.
We will never forget this horrific tragedy🕯️
To learn more, visit: facebook.com/UISLondon
#holodomorawarenessweek #holodomor #ukrainian #голодомор #україна #ukraine