#Introduction, cont’d and yes I will shut up soon.
I’m here for more than #USPolitics, I’d like to make friends outside this American echo chamber, broaden my mind, learn and grow.
A few more hashtags: I’ve been #Pagan, practiced #SpellCasting and #Manifesting, studied the #Occult, #Mysticism, #Zen, #Psychology, had great success with #Ayahuasca, #BinauralBeats AKA #HoloSync or #Hemi-Sync, #Kundalini raising #Meditation.
#Faeries are real. Ghosts too
On #BlackFriday I boost #BlackMastodon.
#introduction #uspolitics #pagan #spellcasting #manifesting #occult #mysticism #zen #psychology #ayahuasca #binauralbeats #holosync #HEMI #Kundalini #meditation #faeries #blackfriday #blackmastodon