#KirstenGillibrand: "The lack of transparency and inadequate communications with the public about this plan have been unacceptable, and our constituents’ concerns about the composition of the water cannot be overlooked. I expect #Holtec, the #NRC and other regulators to provide comprehensive and thorough answers to our questions about the oversight of Holtec’s decommissioning of IPEC."
#HoltecLies #TEPCOLies #Fukushima #FukushimaWater #Nuclear #NuclearWaste
#kirstengillibrand #HOLTEC #nrc #holteclies #tepcolies #fukushima #FukushimaWater #nuclear #NuclearWaste
#HudsonRiver Spared Radioactive Dump From Defunct NY Nuclear Plant
The plan to reportedly dump upwards of 1 million gallons into the Hudson River was scrapped this week after thunderous pushback
by NBC New York Staff and The AP, Published April 14, 202
“Following conversations with key state stakeholders, who wish to allow for additional public education, we have decided not to go forward with the planned discharge in early May,” the company's communications director, Patrick O'Brien, wrote to plant's decommissioning board on Thursday."
#NoNukes #NoDumping #Fukushima #FukushimaWater #IndianPoint #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #Holtec #HoltecLies #TEPCOLies
#japan #HudsonRiver #nonukes #nodumping #fukushima #FukushimaWater #indianpoint #nonewnukes #waterislife #HOLTEC #holteclies #tepcolies
Additional violations by #Holtec cited in #IndianPoint decommissioning
by Luke Dougherty, 4-4-2023
"In a March 2023 letter, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission released a notice sent to Holtec International, providing details of two additional violations during their decommissioning of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. Although these violations were rated low safety significance by the NRC, we believe all violations are significant because they expose weaknesses in Holtec’s management of the decommissioning.
"These violations include a failure by Holtec to identify overflows of radioactive liquids from storage tanks, and after identifying the spills, failing to test the radiological levels in required areas within the plant. These overflows were first discovered in the spring of 2022, but went unreported to the public until March of 2023 because #NRC inspections happen infrequently."
#HudsonRiver #HoltecLies #NoNukes #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #NoDumping
#HOLTEC #indianpoint #nrc #HudsonRiver #holteclies #nonukes #nonewnukes #waterislife #nodumping
NIRS: "Indian Point Unit 1's spent fuel pool was known to be leaking since 1992, and leaks from the plant have been leaching into the river. The radioactive isotopes that have been identified include hydrogen-3 (tritium), strontium-90, cobalt-60, cesium-137, and nickel-63."
#NoNukes #NoDumping #WaterIsLife #NewYork #HudsonRiver #IndianPoint #HoltecLies #Holtec
PDF link:
#nonukes #nodumping #waterislife #newyork #HudsonRiver #indianpoint #holteclies #HOLTEC
WHAT HOLTEC DOESN'T SPEND, IT GETS TO KEEP! A good reason for #Hotel to cut costs!!!
"Webster noted that, without state legislation, only federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have the authority to stop any release. The #EPA has put a hold on a Holtec plan to discharge radioactive water from the shuttered #PilgrimNuclear Power Plant in #Massachusetts into #CapeCod Bay until a third party can verify that the release would be safe.
The Pilgrim plant is one of two other nuclear power plants in the Northeast that Holtec is decommissioning; the other is #OysterCreek in #NewJersey. Last week, Holtec told the NRC that it would take four years longer than planned to finish decommissioning Pilgrim and Oyster Creek, citing inflation and 'poor market performance.' All three projects are being paid for by trust funds that were set up while the plants were in operation and funded by the public via their power bills. What Holtec doesn’t spend, it gets to keep."
#NoNukes #NewYork #HoltecLies #WaterIsLife #HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverWatershed #HudsonRiverValley #EPA #NRC
#Hotel #epa #pilgrimnuclear #massachusetts #capecod #oystercreek #newjersey #nonukes #newyork #holteclies #waterislife #HudsonRiver #hudsonriverwatershed #hudsonrivervalley #nrc
What #Holtec isn't telling us is that the water contains more than just #Tritium and Boron... Lots of other radioactive "goodies," including Cobalt!
Holtec Says It Will Discharge #IndianPoint Water in May
By Brian PJ Cronin, April 7, 2023
"Holtec said that the water would be sampled, monitored and filtered before it was released, although it will still contain boron and tritium. That will leave 265,000 gallons in Unit 2, which has been emptied of spent fuel rods, and 310,000 gallons in Unit 3, which is scheduled to be emptied of rods by November. Unit 1’s wastewater was released into the river in 2009."
#NoNukes #NewYork #HoltecLies #WaterIsLife #HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverWatershed #HudsonRiverValley
Read more: https://highlandscurrent.org/2023/04/07/holtec-says-it-will-discharge-indian-point-water-in-may/
#HOLTEC #tritium #indianpoint #nonukes #newyork #holteclies #waterislife #HudsonRiver #hudsonriverwatershed #hudsonrivervalley
From 2016. The lovely folks running #IndianPoint never cared if #radioactive material polluted the #HudsonRiver. And now they want to dump more rad water?!!
‘Uncontrollable radioactive flow’ from Indian Point continues to contaminate the Hudson River
by Nicole Jewel, February 2016
"No matter where you live, 'uncontrollable radioactive flow' is not a phrase that you want to hear in relation to your local water source. Unfortunately for some towns located on the Hudson River, the Huffington Post reports that radioactive elements from the Indian Point nuclear power plant are most likely seeping right into the waterway and potentially contaminating the drinking water systems of several towns located along the river route."
#NoNukes #NewYork #HoltecLies #WaterIsLife
#indianpoint #radioactive #HudsonRiver #nonukes #newyork #holteclies #waterislife
Well, well, well -- guess what -- there's more than just #Tritium in that water -- just like with #Fukushima! #Corporations like #TEPCO and #Holtec LOVE to DOWNPLAY what's really in the water they want to dump!
#RocklandCounty Passes Resolution Against Dumping #RadioactiveWater in the #HudsonRiver; Second This Week
Published Mar 9, 2023 Categories
"In a 16-0 vote, the Rockland County Legislature unanimously approved a resolution calling on Governor Hochul and relevant agencies to stop Holtec International from dumping #toxic waste into the Hudson River. Rockland became the second county in the Hudson Valley region to oppose Holtec’s polluting plan, just two days after the #Westchester Board of Legislators took similar action.
"Holtec International, the company in charge of decommissioning the #IndianPoint Nuclear Plant, wants to dump one million gallons of toxic wastewater from the plant’s spent fuel pools into the Hudson River. The company’s waste has several contaminants [NOT JUST TRITIUM LIKE HOLTEC KEEPS SAYING] including #tritium, a radioactive isotope that can lead to cancer when inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin in large quantities. Seven communities and over 100,000 people rely on drinking water from the Hudson River.
"Santosh Nandabalan, Senior New York Organizer with Food & Water Watch issued the following statement: 'To allow the immense discharge of toxic, radioactive waste into New Yorkers’ drinking water is to privilege corporate expediency over public health. One by one, Hudson Valley authorities are taking a stand against Holtec’s ludicrously dangerous proposal. Governor Hochul must take immediate action to safeguard public health and stop Holtec’s scheme.'"
#HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverValley #HudsonValley #Fukushima #NewYork #Japan #NoDumping #WaterIsLife #StopTEPCO #NoNukes #TEPCOLies #HoltecLies
#toxic #westchester #indianpoint #hudsonrivervalley #hudsonvalley #newyork #japan #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #tepcolies #holteclies #tritium #fukushima #corporations #tepco #HOLTEC #rocklandcounty #radioactivewater #HudsonRiver