Will Tommy Green or any of the other musicians involved with #HolyName clarify for the #hardcore scene their views about women in church leadership, same-sex relationships, or reproductive rights? Or are we to assume they hold standard right-wing Orthodox Christian positions here?
I know it’s considered “impolite” to ask these things, but this is supposed to be punk and hardcore, and considering how many “Christian bands” ended up being reactionary douchebags, I think these are fair questions.
#HolyName service went well. Took Monday off, watched a few good football games, watched one awful scene in Cincinnati, and now prepping for #BaptismOfChrist
Praying for a good outcome for #DamarHamlin
#holyname #baptismofchrist #damarhamlin
Service went fine, a few hiccups here and there, but no Jesus was spilled and nobody collapsed into the flowers. Pulled off the off-the-top-of-my-head sermon. Referenced my daughter’s name, Eve, Fruit Loops from #BigBangTheory, Niner from #BradUpton, and Jesus. Because I didn’t write this one out it’s not transcribed on my blog. But you could go to www.stjohnshagerstown.org/worship if you’re REALLY interested.
#bigbangtheory #bradupton #episcopal #holyname #sermons
Happy #8thDayOfChristmas It’s the Feast of the #HolyName and my postulant preacher got sick so I’m up. Didn’t really work on a sermon, but cogitated o it all weekend. Think I might be okay. And after a long night last night, thankful we only have one service at 9:30 today.
#8thdayofchristmas #holyname #episcopal #priestlife #sjphagerstown
Christmas season is different this year. Sunday is #HolyName. My postulant preacher was up for this Sunday, but called off sick, so I’m preaching. Is it wrong to just use the article I wrote on Holy Name for the monthly newsletter as my sermon?
#holyname #episcopal #episcopalworship #sermonoptions