Vatican said Thursday new leads "worthy o further investigation" had surfaced hopes o finally getting 2 bottom o 1 o the #HolySee's enduring mysteries.
#EmanuelaOrlandi vanished June, 1983, aftr leaving family's apartment 2 go 2 music lesson in #Rome. Her father was lay employee o the Holy See. Over the years, her disappearance has been linked 2 everything frm plot 2 kill John Paul II, a financial scandal involving #Vatican bank & Rome's criminal underworld
#holysee #emanuelaorlandi #rome #vatican #vaticangirl
Learn about open-source tech and technologists from Holy See: (#opensource #holysee)
In a phone conversation, Ι conveyed to #HolySee counterpart Archbishop P.R.Gallagher my sincere gratitude for his Holiness Pope Francis' decision to return to Greece, through the🇬🇷Church, 3 fragments of the Parthenon marbles. Discussion also on int’l®ional developments.
#PopeFrancis imposes deadline for #HolySee entities to deposit their assets with #VaticanBank
#VaticanBank #holysee #PopeFrancis
#PopeFrancis imposes deadline for #HolySee entities to deposit their assets with #VaticanBank
#VaticanBank #holysee #PopeFrancis