Holy Wednesday
Our focus this Holy week is Bread for the Hungry, Bread for the Weary. After the Pandemic, amidst the cost of living crisis, we sure are weary. With competing crisis’ we might well see that there is a deepening crisis of faith. In fact, if polls are to be believed, the ‘nones’, those of no faith, are soon to be in the majority. The Church, regardless of denomination is murmu
#Lectionary #BreadofHeaven #Easter #HolyWednesday #Tamarisk
#tamarisk #holywednesday #easter #breadofheaven #lectionary
Lord God, whose blessed Son our Savior gave his body to be whipped and his face to be spit upon: Give us grace to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
#Lent #holyweek #episcopal #anglican #holywednesday
April 5, 2023
Wednesday of Holy Week
Rejecting Empty Promises
Matthew 26:14–16
One of the central lessons we can learn from Judas is that the desire for money is a powerful incentive for the decisions we make. So many of the great saints have taught us that the path to holiness consists, first, in a
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