#auspol #HomeAffairs #EmpireBuilding #CentralisedPower #Hobbes
The evil Brandis on the megalomania of #Pezzullo.
“It is odd to see arguments first advanced 3½ centuries ago to defend the Stuart kings revived in 21st century Australia to provide the “philosophical context” of a powerful new department of state.
“A central agency that “embeds” in everyday life, “in a seamless and largely invisible fashion”, “at super scale and at very high volumes” – albeit for the ostensibly benign reason of keeping citizens safe – is ripe for over-reach and misuse of power…
“Mike Pezzullo is a good man and a dedicated servant of Australia. But – as his Hobbesian philosophy of governance reveals – he is precisely the wrong man to be in charge of national security in a liberal democracy.”
From: @CarringBush2020
#auspol #homeaffairs #EmpireBuilding #centralisedpower #Hobbes #pezzullo
#auspol #HomeAffairs Break it up, make Pezzulo the doorman.
“The creation of the Home Affairs portfolio…brought together a set of unlike and sometimes incompatible responsibilities…”
Immigration infected by a security mindset and in Home Affairs immigration was relegated
The Home Affairs included “intelligence-gathering and other agencies that should be kept as far away from related policy-policy-making as possible so that policy doesn’t end up determining what intelligence is collected…Facts should inform policy rather than the other way around.”
“Home Affairs is egregiously top heavy [without] clear lines of responsibility and, because its secretary appears to control the money, a busybody occupant of the top job can pry into parts of the organisation that should be left to get on with their work.”
@RichForrest2 the question must be asked, who in Australia was benefitting? Kickbacks?
#PeterDutton needs to answer questions.
#peterdutton #auspol #homeaffairs #DHA
Who recalls this?
"Border Force to check people's visas on Melbourne's streets this weekend~ By Guardian political reporter Eliza Borrello, 28 Aug 2015"
I think that led to it being dubbed "Border Farce."
Below, from the SMH and doesn't appear to be paywalled:
"Australia’s border security system has a fearsome global reputation for keeping people out, but for Albanian gangsters or a business person who wants to keep a slave in a suburb of our cities, for sex trafficking syndicates or politicians in Nauru and Manus Island feeding off the teat of the Australian taxpayer, it has been more than accommodating."
#AusPol #HomeAffairs (God I hate that Orwellian term).
A #HomeAffairs win, would you ever believe it! Caitrín, the lucky so-and-so, is going to visit Ireland in August.
She needs a new SA passport. So we got her an appointment for the FNB-based #DHA office in Centurion for Monday. We were there pretty early, as one does, and the application was completed and fingerprints taken *before* our appointed time!
We now expect the new passport to be delivered in two weeks.
As a foreign national who hopes to make South Africa his home, I find these tales of long-delayed and denied visa applications particularly troubling.
#HomeAffairs #ZA
Shortly before coming to Tallinn, our new Executive Director Agnès Diallo had a bilateral meeting with Commissioner for #HomeAffairs @YlvaJohansson@twitter.com to discuss eu-LISA's roadmap and highlight the Agency's commitment to #ASaferEurope
Photo © European Union, 2023
We will continue developing new IT systems, while also preparing the new #interoperability architecture for the #Justice and #HomeAffairs domain, says Deputy Executive Director @LucaTagliaretti@twitter.com.
Read the full quote in the eu-LISA 2023 Outlook booklet https://bit.ly/eu-LISA-2023-Overview
#Interoperability #justice #homeaffairs
Yesterday, eu-LISA hosted a delegation of the Italian Embassy in Estonia (@ItalyinEstonia@twitter.com) and presented the specifics of its work and role in the #Justice and #HomeAffairs domain of the European Union
Interesting article on the focus of the department under #ScottMorrison & #PeterDutton and what the current government wants them to put their minds and efforts to.
"Such a significant policy shift will necessitate a big change in culture and capability in the department." Happy with less consultants and more building internal resources. One question that is not touched on directly is the role of the Secretary Mike Pezzullo in overseeing this fundamental shift given his seemingly acquiesce under #LNP
#homeaffairs #auspol #scottmorrison #peterdutton #lnp
Every now and then I think back on this speech that #Singapore’s #law and #HomeAffairs minister gave in 2018 at a #police seminar, and how he referenced #China’s #surveillance #camera network as a model to learn from.
#camera #surveillance #china #police #homeaffairs #law #singapore
"The #Slovenian #police are ready for #Croatia's 1 January 2023 entry into the #Schengen zone at strategic and operative levels, #Interior #Minister Tatjana #Bobnar said on Friday in #Brussels, where she attended a session of the #HomeAffairs #Council dedicated to #migrations. She also commented on the #action #plan on migrations."
#plan #action #migrations #council #homeaffairs #brussels #bobnar #minister #interior #schengen #croatia #police #slovenian
That both of these groups have shown massive political control and have supported a terrible visa system makes both untrustworthy.
South Africa’s Home Affairs testing new online system — no more long queues
See https://gadgeteer.co.za/south-africas-home-affairs-testing-new-online-system-no-more-long-queues/
#egovernment #southafrica #technology #homeaffairs