@ItsSheVee @rpilocator Dreaming of that CM4 8GB with no eMMC and with or without WiFi.
Need one for a #HomeAssistantYellow AND #HomeAssistant
Though I need to make sure it can boot from NVMe.
Thanks RPiLocator!
#homeassistantyellow #homeassistant
Old meets new. Both are working fine, although one of them needed a tightened spring in its rotary dial. Surprisingly only because the telephone router has tighter tolerances nowadays.
#homeassistant #homeassistantyellow #retrotech
It’s here! #homeassisant #homeassistantyellow @homeassistant
Onboarding now.
#homeassisant #homeassistantyellow
Per cert, aviat rebrem el #HomeAssistantYellow amb el que esperem automatitzar i crear rutines.
Algú a la sala amb experiència?
#homeassistantyellow #opensource #privacyfirst