Only 8 Chips Make A CPU - We’re no stranger to homemade CPUs on these pages, but we think that [Jiri Stepano... - #computerhacks #homebrewcpu #serialcpu #ttl
#ttl #serialcpu #homebrewcpu #computerhacks
I have this totally crazy project to build a pipelined #riscv CPU from TTL logic some day.
I sometimes write about it on my website, and have recently published two new posts after months of silence:
#riscv #electronics #homebrewcpu
I'm staring at #Logisim, trying to think how I'm going to implement interrupts as well as pipeline this #homebrewCPU, and end up needing the electronic version of an "if" statement. I go back to wanting to use a counter and some microcode, but I feel there's a better way.
ECLair simulator/toolchain/test environment all built and working in "the cloud" (sencloud that is) so I can start working on things again. Full test suite run time went down from about 5 minutes on my laptop to... 17 seconds on a remote server. Probably should have done this sooner 😬 #homebrewcpu #eclair
My homebrew computer is going to have 128-voice wavetable polyphony, and it's going to be retro-glorious.
#retrocomputing #homebrewcpu #gravisultrasound
I'm at the point in the architecture bootstrap process where I'm debugging its first CPU emulator while also debugging its first assembler.
When something doesn't work right, tracking the bits all the way through is a tedious yet rewarding puzzle.
I have some of the CPU boards built (ALU, registers, etc.) and tested already, but as it's time to make them all work together in concert, I'm making sure the whole system works in emulation before designing any more hardware.
Finally getting a chance to work on my CPU again. I just updated the assembler to reflect some late instruction set tweaks and started updating the emulator to match.
Once that's done, I can re-run my test programs and then start designing the control unit PCB if everything checks out.
The register boards and all the component boards that make up the ALU are built and tested, so I'm feeling pretty good about pulling this all together.