Now that I've installed some of these things onto my 2DS...I wonder if anyone has made a #Mastodon client for the #Nintendo3DS. Hmm...
Well, maybe I can find a good homebrew browser.
#mastodon #nintendo3ds #nintendo2ds #homebrewsoftware
Okay, installed a #SNES emulator (SNES 9x) and tried #SuperMarioRPG. So far, so good. Running pretty smooth. However, I haven't done much in the game yet, but it started very smoothly, audio came out good, no issues so far.
Then I went back to more #SegaGenesis emulation and tried out Ultimate #MortalKombat 3 - which worked very smoothly and reminded me how bad I was at Ultimate MK3.
All in all, cool to start collecting games I owned that can't play anymore due to hardware failure or other issues onto a single little handheld
Tags: #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Nintendo3DS #Sega #Emulator #HomebrewSoftware #Nintendo2DS
#snes #supermariorpg #segagenesis #mortalkombat #retrogaming #videogames #nintendo3ds #sega #emulator #homebrewsoftware #nintendo2ds
After a suggestion from @scribblemacher, I uninstalled RetroArch and installed a few direct emulators to the #Nintendo2DS and the emulators work so much more smoothly. Still no good 32X emulator, but Sonic 2: Pink Edition and Eternal Champions run great!
At some point I'll look into other types of homebrew 3DS software, but this will last me a while!
So exciting.
Tags: #RomHack #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Sonic2 #Nintendo3DS #Sega #Emulator #HomebrewSoftware
#nintendo2ds #romhack #retrogaming #videogames #sonic2 #nintendo3ds #sega #emulator #homebrewsoftware