Checking htop on #footiMac after two weeks of operations with its upgraded resources, and new responsibilities.
It is still far more responsive in all respects. Changes I've noticed:
1) very few web response delays for Mastodon retrieving posts/notifications or uploading pictures/videos.
2) when I logged in remotely before it would take a few seconds. Now it is nearly instant.
3) according to htop the loads are below 0.70 most of the time.
4) RAM usage has gone from 3.2GB (84%) to 6.3GB (40%)
Resources before: 4GB RAM - Dual-core i5 - 1TB HDD
After: 16GB RAM - Dual-core i5 - 1TB SSD.
Services before:
Small Web (3 static Twitter Archives)
local DNS Server
Services after:
Small Web (3 static Twitter Archives)
local DNS Server
WeeWx Weather Server
HomeBridge Automation Server
#selfhost #mastoAdmin #PixelfedAdmin #Mastodon #Pixelfed #WeatherServer #WeeWx #HomeBridge #iMac #Apple #Debian #SelfHosted
#footimac #selfhost #mastoadmin #pixelfedadmin #mastodon #pixelfed #weatherserver #weewx #homebridge #imac #apple #debian #selfhosted
Tried #Homebridge a couple years ago and it was an unmanageable mess.
Gave it another shot to try to hook up a IoT light that doesn't support HomeKit directly and WOW what a difference, you would think it's an entirely different piece of software. Ridiculously easy to set up and add bridges and devices.
Hats off to the Homebridge devs that have clearly been giving this thing a ridiculous amount of love and polish since I last tried it.
Today I did the first (in 7 years) factory reset of my Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Cleaner (1st gen). I was afraid of losing the statistics, but surprisingly everything survived. I just had to update the token in #Homebridge to have it back in #HomeKit.
#homebridge #homekit #smarthome
@brndnsh I used the #EvePower power outlet and the power strip. They work ok. You can manually export the data. I haven’t learned a way to automate it via #Homekit or #HomeAssistant / #HomeBridge.
The single outlet obviously gives a single measurement, but so does the whole combined power strip.
The single outlets can connect via #Thread, #Bluetooth, and maybe now #Matter
The power strip can connect via #WiFi so depending on placement you might want the power strip anyways.
#evepower #homekit #homeassistant #homebridge #thread #bluetooth #matter #wifi
Cool weekend project I did.
Got tired of missing deliveries and locking myself out. A new intercom would be an expensive upgrade for the whole building.
So I wired in a pi zero with homebridge and a relay HAT.
#diy #homebridge #raspberrypi #pizero
The #RaspberryPi that has been dutifully running #Homebridge for years has perished.💀
Thinking of starting up a #HomeAssistant install and trying that instead of Homebridge this time…
#raspberrypi #homebridge #homeassistant
Huge pat on the back for #Homebridge. I've been running it on a #RaspberryPi for a couple of years. That failed this morning with a Segmentation Fault (perhaps error on SD card).
Fortunately had a recent Homebridge config backup and was able to very quickly set up and launch a #Docker container on my #Synology instead, then restore from the backup, and everything is now running perfectly again. Sweet.
[BTW I used clear step by step instructions from #GPT4 to do this.]
#homebridge #raspberrypi #docker #synology #gpt4
@nico79 bei mir kommt #HomeBridge zum Einsatz, um alle Geräte in #HomeKit zu integrieren. Parallel sind ausgewählte Geräte(typen) über ein HomeBridge-Plugin an #Alexa angebunden. Das Gros der #HomeAutomation läuft über HomeKit, einzelne dort nicht mögliche/schlechte Dinge werden über Alexa-Routinen umgesetzt, z. B. Sprachausgabe und Sprachsteuerung. Darüber kann ich ohne Hersteller-Skills z. B. meinen Luftreiniger per Sprachbefehl steuern, während er gleichzeitig Teil div. Automatisierungen ist.
#homebridge #homekit #alexa #homeautomation
#Linux partisans love to think people don't try it on the desktop because "they are lazy" or "they're comfortable with the OS that comes on their hardware" and that using Linux is "easy."
I've been running #ElementaryOS for several years & its getting to the point that #HomeBridge on it wants something newer because #GLIBC isn't up to date.
Searching the internet for how to upgrade the OS got me to which, I emphasize is BY FAR the clearest method for upgrading.
#linux #elementaryos #homebridge #glibc
I finally updated #homebridge
to the latest release.
My oven is now an AC. I mean, are we seriously doing this in the most pedantic way? "Hey Siri, heat kitchen to 220 Celsius?"
Dumb homes weren't too bad.
@bensen Würdest du sagen, dass #HomeBridge das System der Wahl ist, wenn jemand, wie ich nur Apple Geräte im Einsatz hat und haben will? Viele nutzen #HomeAssistant, und ich bin ein Fan von Apple Bordmitteln, auch wenn diese limitiert sind. Ich mag es, wenn es einfach funktioniert und ich nicht auf Updates einer Drittsoftware warten muss oder angewiesen bin, weil Apple was ändert. Danke.
Our #smarthome is mostly local. Except that everything is connected to Apple Home. Via #Scrypted and #HomeBridge.
But man, Apple took way to many shortcuts when it comes to Home. The app is a mess.
• Nothing is clear what is on App basis and what is home configuration for everyone.
• I want recordings via Apple Secure Video at night when we’re home. Not possible.
• Robot vacuums. One of the top 3 smarthome appliances. Doesn’t exist in Home.
#smarthome #scrypted #homebridge
I kinda want to move my #Homebridge hub to one of these little guys
@Gedankenknete bei mir läuft #HomeBridge auf einem Raspberry Pi 4 Modell B. Die CPU wird nicht sonderlich ausgelastet, von dieser Seite spricht glaube ich nichts gegen das Vorgängerversion. Da viele Prozesse im #SmartHome, besonders im Bereich der #HomeAutomation durchaus geschwindigkeitsrelant sind, würde ich persönlich nicht auf das Gigabit Ethernet des 4B verzichten wollen.
#homebridge #smarthome #homeautomation
@bricks @w4ts0n Ja ich habe einige Zigbee Geräte an der #HomeBridge und läuft wie geschnitten Brot 🙂
@w4ts0n Opensource sind sie nicht, aber du kannst die günstigen #Aqara oder #Xiaomi Sensoren mit einem Zigbee USB-Dongle am Raspi koppeln und diese dann in #HomeAssistant oder #HomeBridge ansprechen. Du kommst dadurch ohne Bridge des Herstellers aus und das Nachhausetelefonieren sollte sich erledigen.
#Aqara #xiaomi #homeassistant #homebridge
This looks interesting :
#3dprinting #HomeAssistant #diy #electronics #homebridge #wled
#3dprinting #homeassistant #diy #electronics #homebridge #wled
Whirlpool 💦 goes #SmartHome: #ESP8266 + ext.Antenne + #MQTT + #FHEM + #Homebridge = komplett steuerbar mit Apple #Homekit & #Siri 🫡😎 #LayZspa // Next step: automatische Heizung mit #Photovoltaik Überschuss ☀️ (found on Github: )
#smarthome #esp8266 #mqtt #fhem #homebridge #HomeKit #siri #layzspa #Photovoltaik
I think I figured it out: integrating a #RaspberryPi + Camera Module 3 in #Apple HomeKit using #Homebridge.
Using this package, which can be run as a Docker container:
I added the configuration to my Docker compose file, see the mediamtx service:
This provides an RTSP stream from the remote Raspberry Pi which can be attached to Homebridge using the 'homebridge-camera-ffmpeg' plugin. Still some tweaking to do due to pixelation issues.
#raspberrypi #apple #homebridge