Tomorrow Update participates in #Kulturnatten (Culture Night) #Uppsala!
15:00–22:00: See our #retrocomputing collection and explore our exhibition on #homecomputers. Play on the #C64 and try the #arcade game #Asteroids!
19:00: Lecture "Passwords, please." by Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (Chalmers)
#password #security
More info:
See you at Svartbäcksgatan 65!
#kulturnatten #uppsala #retrocomputing #homecomputers #c64 #arcade #asteroids #password #security
we lost an electronics legend in June this year. Don Lancaster passed away. This is a good video that covers some of his work, including the #TVTypewriter.
#Electronics #Terminals #DIY #Makers #HomeComputers
The original article appeared in 1973 and an issue of radio electronics.
#TVTypewriter #electronics #terminals #diy #makers #homecomputers
Today we did a test setup of our upcoming temporary exhibition on #homecomputers. #ABC80 #TRS80 #AppleII #SpectraVideo #Atari #ZXSpectrum #C64 #Macintosh #Amiga #retrocomputing
#homecomputers #abc80 #trs80 #appleii #SpectraVideo #atari #zxspectrum #c64 #macintosh #amiga #retrocomputing
And here you'll find the video guide of the whole process. Just in case you don't feel like reading and would rather take a look at how the whole thing was done.
#ZXSpectrum #Sinclair #Speccy #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #MicroComputers #HomeComputers
#zxspectrum #sinclair #speccy #retrocomputing #retrogaming #microcomputers #homecomputers
Lovely collection.
"Recently, a collector named Brian Green showed off his vintage computer collection on Twitter, and we thought it would be fun to ask him about why and how he set up his at-home computer lab."
#retrocomputing #computers #homecomputers #computerhistory
Save the date: on Saturday, 26.06. "#SoundChips and #Chiptunes" will be the topic at the #ComputerMuseum in Oldenburg: I will give a talk about the technology, guide a tour to the exhibited #HomeComputers and #GameConsoles with sound chips and conduct a #HandsOn sound programming workshop with #BASIC. Afterwards DJ Thunder.Bird will give a #LecturePerformance on #SID #Tracker software with acutal #ChipTunes.
#soundchips #chiptunes #computermuseum #homecomputers #gameconsoles #handson #basic #LecturePerformance #sid #tracker #retrocomputing
#DukeNukem as an #1980s #Action #BMovie
"Your ass is grass, and I've got the weed whacker."
"My boot, your face; the perfect couple."
"I’m an equal opportunity ass kicker."
#ActionMovie #Movie #Nukem #Retro #RetroGaming #Gaming #RetroComputing #ComputerGame #ComputerGames #HomeComputer #HomeComputers #HomeComputing #DOS #DOSGames #DOSGaming
#dosgaming #dosgames #dos #HomeComputing #homecomputers #homecomputer #computergames #computergame #retrocomputing #gaming #retrogaming #retro #nukem #movie #actionmovie #bmovie #action #1980s #dukenukem
#GoogleMaps on the #Commodore64
#WIC64 #Google #C64 #Commodore #CBM #C64C #Google #RetroComputing #8Bit #8BitComputer #8BitComputers #8BitComputing #HomeComputer #HomeComputers #HomeComputing
#HomeComputing #homecomputers #homecomputer #8BitComputing #8bitcomputers #8bitcomputer #8bit #retrocomputing #c64c #cbm #commodore #c64 #google #Wic64 #commodore64 #googlemaps
20 #Amiga500 #Games you'll want to play again
#Retro #RetroComputing #HomeComputing #HomeComputer #HomeComputers #Commodore #CommodoreAmiga #Amiga #AmigaGames #CBM #Gaming #RetroGaming
#retrogaming #gaming #cbm #amigagames #amiga #commodoreamiga #commodore #homecomputers #homecomputer #HomeComputing #retrocomputing #retro #games #amiga500
Here in the middle of Twixmas, fiddling about with the things I fiddle about with during a work holiday, I've given thought to some of the particularly notable Christmases of my childhood. I suppose topping that list is Christmas 1982, when I received my first home computer -- a TI-99/4A.
And that's when it all began.
While I do presently have a nice '99 setup here in the Byte Cellar, some years back I found a place that would develop ancient camera film. I had a few Kodak "disc"s in a drawer, and as a reward for the effort, I uncovered full setup photos of that system at its most expanded state.
I do wish I had taken more photos as I jumped, fickle, from platform to platform over the years...
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #Christmas #memories #TI99 #homecomputers #cameras #Kodak #holiday #twixmas #blog
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #christmas #memories #TI99 #homecomputers #cameras #kodak #holiday #twixmas #blog
Nice. 🙂
"[A] Winnipeg, Canada-based artist named Rocky Bergen released a free collection of miniature papercraft vintage computer models that hobbyists can assemble for fun. They are available on The Internet Archive in a pack of 24 PDF files that you can print out on letter-size paper and fold into three dimensions."
Direct link: [ ]
#retrocomputing #art #computers #homecomputers
#C64 #Demo - 'Expand' by #Banzai
Uses the 512k RAM expansion
( #REU )
#C64Demo #Commodore #Commodore64 #CBM #Commodore64Demo #Retro #RetroComputing #8Bit #HomeComputers #HomeComputing
#HomeComputing #homecomputers #8bit #retrocomputing #retro #Commodore64Demo #cbm #commodore64 #commodore #C64Demo #reu #Banzai #demo #c64
From the #BBC archive - The #Commodore #Amiga
#BBCArchive #CommodoreAmiga #CBM #A1000 #Amiga1000 #Multitasking #PreemptiveMultitasking #Workbench #Workbench13 #Retro #RetroComputing #16BIt #HomeComputing #HomeComputers
#homecomputers #HomeComputing #16bit #retrocomputing #retro #Workbench13 #workbench #PreemptiveMultitasking #multitasking #Amiga1000 #A1000 #cbm #commodoreamiga #BBCArchive #amiga #commodore #bbc
Briefly set up my #Philips #NMS8250 #MSX2 #homecomputer tonight. Was the first time since I moved it from the #Netherlands to #Norway several years ago, so it was a relief to see it was still working properly. :)
Had some minor issues getting the video output to display properly (it was scrolling, banding and skewed), but reseating the SCART cable seemed to fix it. I guess either a bad cable or connexion, or the LED monitor didn't properly recognise the signal.
Slight issues with some keys on the keyboard not being recognised some times, but that might also be the cable / connector, or just dirty matrix inside.
Don't really have the space atm to set it up permanently, so it's back in its original box again, but it was good to see it was still working fine!
When I do set it up more permanently, I should resolder the voltage jumper to switch it from 220V to 240V so the power supply will run less hot. (Which means I should actually get a soldering iron some day...)
#MSX #nostalgia #homecomputers #retrocomputer #retro #retrocomputing #RetroComputingSunday
#philips #nms8250 #msx2 #homecomputer #netherlands #norway #msx #nostalgia #homecomputers #retrocomputer #retro #retrocomputing #retrocomputingsunday
In the land of #diskMagazines for the #MSX, #FutureDisk was one of the more well-known and longer lived ones, with almost 50 editions of its disk magazine. Now, more than 20 years later, a bunch of the former crew along with some fresh blood, are planning to return in 2022 with a new issue of FutureDisk! Its first new release is expected to be released at MSX Fair Nijmegen 2022 before a world-wide release online.
A #diskMagazine, for those unaware, was/is something akin to a #zine; a collection of creative content, presented on disk media.
For the MSX scene this often included reviews of software such as games, other disk magazines and (digital) music collections, as well as guides, game hints, music covers in #chiptune form, scene news, demos, #pixelArt, etc. All presented in a digital interface with nice graphics, animations, music and scrollers. ;)
See for instance this overview of FutureDisk 01 for an example of what you could expect on one.
MSX sceners such as #KoenDols, #Jorito (who you might also know from his involvement in OCRemix projects), #ParallaxMSX Pat, #Hegega, and #Meits.
The comments section of the FD2022 announcement on and are probably a good place to start.
#MSX2 #diskzines #retroGaming #homecomputers #retroComputers #z80 #8bit #chiptunes
#diskMagazines #msx #FutureDisk #diskmagazine #zine #chiptune #pixelart #KoenDols #Jorito #ParallaxMSX #Hegega #Meits #msx2 #diskzines #retrogaming #homecomputers #retrocomputers #z80 #8bit #chiptunes
#Dutch newspaper article about Metal Gear for the #MSX2 homecomputer, titled "Oorlogje spelen in Zuid-Afrika", originally published in "Het vrije volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad". Rotterdam, 28-11-1987, p. 29.
Retrieved via Delpher on 2021-07-14:
«'Oorlogje spelen in Zuid-Afrika'
Konami blijft ze maken. De 'spellen die de jongeren pakken'. Onze jeugdige 'tester' is tenminste niet meer achter de computer vandaan te slaan.
De nieuwste van Konami (importeur Salasan Amsterdam) heet 'Metal Gear'. Van een veilige afstand bekijken wij de
verrichtingen van onze speelpook-virtuoos. Eén ding is al snel duidelijk: het gaat om het verzamelen van zo veel mogelijk onwaarschijnlijke wapens en het uitschakelen van elke zich vertonende tegenstander. Daarin 'wijkt het spel voor geen millimeter af van de thans in grote aantallen op de markt verschijnende actie-spellen. Toch zou het Konami niet zijn als er niet een zeer aantrekkelijke achtergrond met vele verrassingen zou zijn bedacht waarin het spel zich afspeelt. Mooie plaatjes en variaties genoeg in dit nieuwe spel voor de MSX2.
Wie zou toch die spel-inleidende teksten in de handleiding bij elkaar verzinnen? In dit geval gaat het om sociale
onrust, terroristische acties en een op handen zijnde revolutie in het zwaar gewapende Outer Heaven, 'een land in Zuid-Afrika' volgens de tekst. Een thuisland? Tevens heeft het landje een vernietigend wapen ontwikkeld met de codenaam 'Metal Gear'. En daar gaat het voor het grootste deel om.
De speler is 'Solid Snake', een lid van het geheime leger, die op zoek moet naar dat verschrikkelijke wapen om het te vernietigen. De start van het spel is in een zwaar beveiligd gebouw. Bewegende camera's, onder stroom staande vloeren en natuurlijk een overmacht aan bewakers die bepaald niet schromen om je bij ontdekking overhoop te schieten. Heeft een bewaker of een camera je eenmaal in de gaten dan wordt er onmiddellijk groot alarm geslagen en is het een haast hopeloze strijd om in leven te blijven. Van alle kanten stormen er bewakers op je af waarna het betere sla, schop en schiet-werk kan beginnen.
Om de onder stroom staande vloeren over te steken moet je beschikken over bestuurbare raketten om een, normaal on-
bereikbare, stroomschakelaar aan stukken te schieten. Honderden zalen met nu en dan voldoende mogelijkheden om je te verbergen voor de bewakers of de camera's. Verschillende wapenkamers moet je plunderen om je steeds beter
te bewapenen.
Deze nieuwe Konami heeft weer alles om de speler een behoorlijke tijd van de straat te houden. Het is ons alleen een
raadsel waarom er aan een puur fantasie-spelletje zo nodig een snuifje realiteit moet worden meegegeven door de naam
van een bestaand land te gebruiken. De spel-maker beweegt zich hiermee op gevaarlijk terrein.
Noot van Konami voor de 'kenners': Dit spel is niet samen met Game Master te gebruiken.
MSX2-module ƒ 79,—.
Afbeelding: Omslag van de nieuwste MSX2-module van Konami: 'Metal Gear'.»
English machine translation follows in unlisted reply.
#MetalGear #MSX #MSX2 #Konami #Kojima #HideoKojima #gaming #retroGaming #homecomputers #retroGames #HetVrijeVolk #Delpher #Newpaper #NewspaperSnippet #snippet #archive
#dutch #msx2 #metalgear #msx #konami #kojima #hideokojima #gaming #retrogaming #homecomputers #retrogames #HetVrijeVolk #Delpher #newpaper #NewspaperSnippet #snippet #archive
#drawing #msx2 #FiXatoDraws #msx #pixelart #8bit #homecomputers
Okay, I lied, there is one more #NostalgiaBox #dailyPhoto for today:
A #sticker from #MSXClubGouda with the text "Gewoon Gaaf" (Just Awesome), an outline #drawing of a #mushroom with spots on its cap, and a face on its stem, and tiny roots for a beard, a stylised #MSX logo which looks like a folded strip of paper, and the name of the club: MSX Club #Gouda
#stickers #retro #retrocomputers #retrocomputing #homecomputers
#NostalgiaBox #dailyphoto #sticker #MSXClubGouda #drawing #mushroom #msx #gouda #stickers #retro #retrocomputers #retrocomputing #homecomputers