In welcher Welt ist es eigentlich ok, den DHL Zusteller (ja den auch, nicht nur das Fahrzeug) den ganzen Tag zu überwachen?!?
Und warum können all unsere Pakete nicht irgendwo eingeliefert werden, wo man, auch noch nach Feierabend, sie gemütlich abholen kann?
Alle die #HomeDelivery benötigen, sollen das kriegen, aber dieses #all-inclusive #JustInTime, tut uns das als Gesellschaft eigentlich gut?
#homedelivery #all #justintime #kapitalismus #Arbeitsverdichtung #Kontrollwahn
I am that magical combination of overeducated and rube and nothing exemplifies that more than, first, my telling you that never before ten minutes ago had we ever had a supermarket deliver to our house and, second, that I personified Sarah Millican's hysterically funny comedy schtick on the same, which I now know is also 100% accurate: "A man brought food to my house! You're not taking this seriously enough!" (Ding! Extra points for the run-on sentence. Banner day!) #SarahMillican #HomeDelivery
It’s just hopeless isn’t it? Was scheduled to have some furniture delivered today. No-show ☹️ #customerservice #homedelivery
#customerservice #homedelivery
Watch out! Scummy scammers target home deliveries - Anxiously waiting for a home delivery? Don't be tricked by a message that says there's a problem w... more: #homedelivery #coronavirus #phishing #phish #scam
#scam #phish #phishing #coronavirus #homedelivery